The Little Things

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This chapter is more of a little filler chapter, much like the last. I promise the next one will have more going on.

Swift knocking on the bedroom door woke me from my gentle slumber as I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Roger hadn't seemed to be phased by the sudden noise and continued to stay fast asleep, so I rolled out from under the sticky sheets and threw on a pair of undershorts before cracking the door open a bit.

"Ah, there you are. Changing up the scenery I see?" Freddie stood at the door smiling brightly.

"Uh, yeah... decided to sleep in Rog's room for a change." I rubbed my eyes and still kept the door cracked, since Roger was still naked.

Freddie raised an eye and smirked, noticing I wasn't opening the door all the way."Ah, it seems to me you two did a little more than just sleep, dear."

I blushed madly and smiled shyly. "Can it Fred."

He giggled and wagged his finger at me. "Well, you two just hurry up and get ready. John and I are going to go ahead and leave, we expect to see both your smiling face in the studio in an by 9."

"Okay, let's see if I can drag Roger up and get him ready. We'll try to be punctual, but you know how he is." I scratched the side of my head and he chuckled at my remark.

"Okay dear. See you soon." I waved him off and closed the bedroom door, turning and looking at the bed.

Roger was laying there on his back with his mouth open, the sheets hugging at his waist left his right leg exposed. His right arm hung off the side of the bed while the other rested comfortably on his stomach. I carefully walked closer to the bed and looked down at him. His chest rose an fell softly with each breath and he lightly snored. His messy hair fanned across his pillow softly and I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers through it. We love playing with each other's hair, it's one of our favorite things to do and helps us relax. I crawled onto the bed and laid on my side facing him. I reached my hand up and brushed his cheek lightly with the pad of my thumb before tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear, out of his face. He inhaled deeply and sighed, seeming very contempt. I smiled and scooted up closer to him.

"Roger, dear. Come on, it's time to get up." I spoke gently and he moaned, so I knew he heard me.

He didn't move so I lightly traced my fingertips on the creamy flesh of his exposed hip. He shivered and I spoke calmly to him. "Roggie, we've got a big day today. We are expected to be in the studio by 9 and it's currently... 7:14"

Upon hearing this, his ears perked up. He smiled and rubbed his eyes open. "Good morning, sleepy head." I spoke softly as I reasted my head in my hand, propped up on my elbow.

He rolled over on his side to face me, with my left hand still draped on his hip, and spoke in his groggy morning voice. "Good morning Brimi."

His morning voice is so sexy, it drives me wild. Light cascaded into the room from the large window behind him, washing over us and the bed and dancing in his dirty hair. I leaned forward and kissed him sweetly, rubbing the smooth skin on his hip. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his fingers in my curly locks before pulling away gently. 

"Let's go get a shower, we gotta wash up." I nodded at him and watched him pull out of the sheets.

"And when we get out, you should probably wash your sheets..." I winked at him and he smirked.

"Just c'mon loverboy." He slipped on a pair of underwear that was laying on the ground and grabbed my hands, pulling me out the bed room.

We slipped into the bathroom and he started turning the water in the shower on. I grabbed two towels and slipped off the shorts I was wearing, putting them in the dirty clothes hamper. Satisfied with the water temperature, Roger stripped out of his underwear and left them on the floor before getting under the water. I rolled my eyes and picked up after him before joining him.

We decided we were clean enough and I turned off the water, grabbing his hand as we emerged from behind the steamy curtain. We ran our towels over ourselves before wrapping them snugly around our waists. Roger stepped in front of the mirror and grabbed for his razor as I watched the water droplets from his hair cascade down his smooth skin. He dabbed the shaving cream on his face and shook his razor under the water before dragging it over his stubble. I watched him as he shaved his face and I couldn't help but smile. It's the little things like this that reminds me of how much I love him. He caught me staring at him and he broke out into a smile.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, rinsing off his razor.

I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, placing a gentle kiss on his damp shoulder. "have I told you lately how much I love you?"

He leaned into me and smiled. "How much?"

"I love you more than anything else in this entire world." I spoke honestly.

"Aww, Brian..." He turned around to face me and I grabbed a towel, wiping away any excess shaving cream. "I love you more than anything too."

I rubbed our noses together before pressing his lips to mine in a gentle, sweet kiss. 

We hurried up in the bathroom and we went to our separate rooms so we could get dressed. I was still in my room, standing at my mirror with my comb in hand. Roger pushed the door open and walked in, smiling at me.

"Almost ready?" He asked me sweetly.

"Yeah, just gotta fix my hair." I started pulling the teeth of my comb through my curls and Roger walked up behind me.

"Here, let me do it." He held his hand out for the comb.

I didn't object to it and simply handed him my comb. He gently combed through my curls and I stood there letting him. When he was done, he handed my comb back to me with a smiled. I placed the comb on my dresser and kissed his cheek, thanking him. I then used my fingers to fix my hair a little before we left for the studio.

We took his car and I just knew today was going to be a good day. 

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