Room for One More

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My fingers were still dancing in his honey hair when I noticed how slow his breathing had become. He had just about dozed back to sleep when I put my actions to a halt, receiving a whiny moan from my little blond drummer.

"Aww, why'd ya stop? I like it when you play with my hair... feels relaxing." He had popped his eyes open and poked his bottom lip out slightly.

"Well, I didn't want you falling asleep." I giggled at him with my reply.

He sat up lazily on the bad and looked at me with a smile. I love his smile. He yawned and stood up, stretching his back muscles. I flung the covers away from me and the sudden chill of the cool air hit my legs as I flung them off the side of the bed. His yawning made me yawn, which made us both giggle. He held out his  hand for me and I accepted it, standing up with him.

"How 'bout we do something today... just the two of us?" He spoke gently while absentmindedly swinging our arms back and forth.

A smile danced across my lips as I pulled him closer to me and spoke, my hot breath hitting his lips. "I'd love that."

He smirked and closed what little space was between us with a kiss, his hands resting in my hair and mine on his waist. He tugged lightly on my bottom lip with his teeth before pulling away, dragging me by the hand to find some clothes.

After deciding on what clothes to wear and getting ready, we walked hand in hand together into the living room. John was lounging in a chair reading a magazine and smiled when he saw us. 

"Good morning!" He spoke with a very cheerful tone and nodded to us.

"G'Morning John!" we both replied. 

Roger looked around the room for a minute. "Hey, where's Freddie?"

"I don't know where exactly he went, but he left about an hour ago and said he'd be back before dinner." John shrugged, flipping a page in the magazine. "Are you two going out?"

I looked at Roger, then back at John. "Yeah, just for some lunch and maybe a walk... I hate to leave you here by yourself... d'you wanna come?" Roger squeezed my hand and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Oh no, you two go ahead. I can just... call... Veronica and, uh, ask her to lunch. You two have fun." He forced a smile and looked back down at his magazine, furrowing his brow.

I looked to Roger, who looked over at John before looking at me. He smiled and shook his head before letting go of my hand and walking over to grab John's.

"Come on. You're coming out with us!" Roger pulled him out of the chair and I giggled.

John giggled back and smiled gratefully, letting Roger drag him between us.

We walked down the sidewalk together in a comfortable silence, all enjoying the sun hitting our faces. John was in between Roger and I as we walked.

"So, um... were are we going?" John looked quizzically at me, turning to Roger, and back to me once again.

I bit my bottom lip, in thought, and smiled at the two. "Just follow me. I know a great place to have lunch!"

They just nodded their heads and followed me to a tiny little restaurant. 

We walked in and the scent of toasting bread, pasta, garlic and tomatoes filled our nostrils. We took a seat at a booth in the far corner, Roger and I sitting beside each other facing John. 

"This place smells great Bri! Lets see if what's on the menu sounds as good as it smells." John smiled and watched as our waitress walked over to us and handed us our menus.

We gave her  a small 'thank you' nod and opened the menus. 

She walked away for a few seconds and returned to take our drink orders before leaving once more. I slid my hand under the table and rested it on Roger's thigh. He smirked and lowered his hand to where my hand was and intertwined our fingers. John was watching us from across the table with a smile.

"What are you two getting?" John lowered his menu to the table and looked up and me and Roger.

"Uh... I'm going to get the spaghetti... Roger?" I looked  at Roger waiting for his answer. 

"hmm.... I think... I'm going to get the bow-tie pasta." Roger looked up from his menu to John with a smile. "What about you?"

John looked down at his menu briefly and then closed it. "I spaghetti sounds good."

Our waitress came back with our drinks and took our orders, I made sure to tell her no meat with mine. She walked away and Roger let go of my hand to take a sip from his drink.

"I'm sorry I made you take me and ruined your day together." John looked at his hands and fumbled his thumbs together. 

Roger and I exchanged sorrowful looks and I grabbed John's hand, making him look up at me. "Cut it out John. You are one of our best friends! You haven't ruined anything! We want to spend time with you, and we couldn't leave you all by yourself!" 

"Yeah Deaks! And besides, when is the last time just the three of us spent some time together?" Roger playfully jabbed at his arm and John blushed with a small smile. 

"I guess it has been a while... yeah." John shook us off him and laughed. 

We laughed back and and our food soon came. We remained at the table even after our plates were clean, just talking and telling jokes. The lunch crowd had already left and the place wasn't very full. I took this time to scoot closer to Roger and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He grinned at me and squeezed my thigh. John grabbed his cup and sucked on the straw, making that noise it makes when it's empty. We looked over at a smirking John and we all laughed. 

We all stood up and paid for our meal and left, walking aimlessly down the sidewalk once more.

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