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We normally have a lot of fun in the studio. Granted we do have our dissagreements and "fights", but we enjoy working in the studio... most days. I can actually remember our first time in the studio, it was exciting, stressful and left us exusted.

We had finallly been allotted some time in the studio and we were all super excited, despite the fact that it would be at such odd hours. We were only able to use the studio during the downtime, when it was empty, which ment we would go in at times such as 3am. Freddie, surprisingly, seemed the most thrilled about this. He woke up before all of us to make sure we were all up in time. We all tried to be optimistic about things, and if our big break meant doing this- we were all for it. It was a little before 3am when the phone rang and Freddie answered it. It was our manager calling to tell us to come to the studio, for it was not currently occupied. We were all up and dressed, heading to the studio by 2:45. I remember how cute Roger was acting, like a little kid. John kept rubbing his eyes, nodding enthusiastically at Roger babbling. We got to the studio and was immediately thrown into the stuffy room. Cigarette smoke lingered in the air with the faint stench of alcohol. Our roadie, John Harris, was there with us as we were all taught about how things would run. By the early break of dawn, we were all bleary-eyed and dragging ourselves to the car. We headed home for some much needed rest before we had to wake up a few hours later to carry on with our normal routine. John was the only one who was able to sleep in, me having to be the first one up. 

We had spent all day in the studio, accomplishing quite a bit, and by the end of the day we were bushed. We'd normally go out to a pub or something but we didn't feel like it today. I threw my arm around Roger's shoulder as we headed to the car. Freddie was still in the building as Roger, John and myself pushed through the fron doors of the buildning. I spotted a familar face leaning against the light pole in front of the doors.

"Are you waiting for Freddie?" The person jumped a little at my voice and looked up at me.

"Yeah, I am... is he still inside?" I smiled at the man in front of me as he confirmed my thoughts.

"Yeah, but he should be walking out here any second. I know he'll be happy to see your face." I spoke warmly to him and noticed a faint blush on his cheekbones as he smiled at my words.

"Okay, thanks Brian." He nodded his head at me.

"No problem, Jim." I nodded back and pulled Roger with me to the car. 

We waved goodbye to John before we slipped into the car, him occupying the driver's seat and me in the passenger. He cranked up the car, followed by me cranking up the radio, and we pulled out of the parking lot. Roger had actually been acting a little out of character... and I can't figure out why. He was just being a little... quieter than usual. He drove with a serious face and both hands on the wheel, something he hardly does. Most of the time when he drives, he will sing along with the song on the radio or hum along with it. He also rarely drives with both hands on the wheel. He'll either have an arm out the window or have his hand in mine, preventing him from being able to place both hands on the wheel. I didn't really know what to say to him to try and find out what's pressing on his brain, so I just kept quiet. Sometimes people just need time to themselves. I rested my head on the cool glass of the window, gazing out it, looking at nothing in particular. I closed my eyes and lost myself in my thoughts as the radio faded out of my mind. 

"Come on Bri." Roger's voice broke my thoughts as he killed the engine.

I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around for second. "This isn't home..."

"I know. I thought it would be nice to grab a bite to eat before we head home... is that okay?" His eyes looked worrisome, and he pulled a half smile that just looked odd.

"Yeah, yeah... this is great." I forced a smile back and we got out of the car.

I just watched him as we walked to the doors of the resturant. He opened the door for me and I thanked him. All the while as we waited to be seated, I watched him. What had happened within the last 24 hours to my sweet Roggie? He seems so... hollow. I didn't quite know, but I just hope he's okay.

Moments to RememberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang