First Dates

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"Freddie! C'mon man, are you almost out?" I could hear Roger beating on the bathroom door, yelling to Freddie.

Tonight was Freddie's first official date with Jim and he was taking his time, trying to make sure he looked perfect.

"Just a minute dear, perfection takes time." Freddie drawled out through the door.

Roger just gave an exasperated sigh and leaned his forehead against the door. I was sitting on the couch, giggling at the whole situation. 

"It's not funny you prick! He thinks he's the only one who needs the bathroom and I'm dying out here, God, I wish we had more bathrooms!" Roger crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Oh c'mon Rog, you know this is his first date with the bloke. He's bound to be nervous and he just wants to make sure he looks alright. Don't you remember how long you took for our first date?" Roger immediately smirked at this and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... I do. Ugh, but I didn't have anyone waiting on the bathroom!" Roger knocked once more on the door.

"You can knock all day dear, but it won't make the door open faster." Freddie yelled through the door.

"Come 'ere Rog." I patted the seat next to me for him to sit down.

He sighed before taking the seat next to me and leaning his head on my shoulder. I ran my fingers threw his hair and he crossed his arms, bouncing his leg rapidly.

"You took almost 2 hours to get ready." I broke the silence and he looked up at me as we recalled the night.

It was about a week or so after we had first kissed. John and Freddie were gone for the weekend and Roger and I were walking home from the record shop with two new albums. Roger was eager to get home so we could listen to them,  but I had something else playing in my mind. I was trying to find the right time to ask he out on a real date. Of course we'd had dinner at the flat together and gone places, just the two of us,  but they weren't considered real dates. Heck, we did those things together as friends. 

"Brian? Are you feeling alright? " A comforting hand and a soothing voice snapped me out of my thoughts as we stopped at a crosswalk. 

"Huh? Oh... yeah. I'm fine, just uh... thinking about uh... those records." I shot him a quick smiled and it seemed to have convinced him.

"I can't wait to get home and listen to them!" He grinned at me and I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he was. 

We walked across the road to the other sidewalk safely and continued our trek home. 

We were almost home when I stopped him under a tree to look at him. "Hey Rog, I um-I wanna ask you something." "Yes?" He raised his eyebrows and rubbed my arm comfortably. 

"Do you wanna maybe go out for dinner tonight... with me?" I scratched the back of my neck, waiting for his answer. 

"Oh Brian. Of course, I would love that!" He smiled widely and hugged me briefly. 

"Okay" I smiled back at him "About 7 maybe? Would that be okay?"

"7 is perfect. I can't wait." he rubbed my arm and we began walking again. 

We stopped at our front door when Roger touched my arm as I was unlocking the door.

I unlocked the door and looked at Roger before attempting to open it.

"Um Bri?" I took my hand off the door knob and turned towards him. "Yes?"

"Tonight... is this like... a date?" He nervously chewed his lower lip.

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