Sweet Surprise

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Walking back into the living room with Roger hanging off me and Freddie and John with their arms held open made me feel warm inside. I knew that no matter how bad life treated me, these three guys would be there for me. I watched the soft faces of our front man and our bass player and was engulfed in the warmth of their sweet embrace. I felt Roger slide away from my side and saw him smile at us hugging. They let go my sides and smiled at me, in which I returned the gesture.

"We love you Brian. Just remember that." Freddie spoke with his charming voice and John nodded his head, as if to say the same thing.

"I know guys, and I love you too. All three of you." I grinned at them and Roger reached up and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek.

"Okay, enough of this mushy mess. Let's eat something, I'm starved!" Roger's voice boomed out as he rubbed his stomach.

We all rolled our eyes at him and giggled, nonetheless. I swung my arm around his neck and tussled the soft blond locks atop his adorable head before kissing his forehead, making him grin widely and giggle again. He rubbed my back and blushed a little at the collective "awww" coming from behind us from John and Freddie. We all laughed and padded into the kitchen together, my arm caressing the small of Roger's back through his thin t-shirt.

"John already prepared a wonderful meal while we were waiting for the two of you to get home. Isn't he lovely?" Freddie drawled on as he fetched us some glasses from the cupboard.

John chuckled and sat a pot of food down in the middle of the table. The steam rolled up into the air as he lifted the lid and a warm, comforting scent wafted into our faces, filling our nostrils. 

I inhaled deeply and smiled. "This smells amazing, John!"

John nodded his head with a simper and Roger did the same as me. "Yeah Deaks, I can't wait to taste it!" he rubbed his hands together greedily.

"Well, you guys are certainly welcome!" John smiled sweetly at us and poured himself a glass of juice.

I poured Roger and I some juice into our glasses as well and handed the pitcher over to Freddie. He poured the sweet liquid into his own glass and placed the pitcher on the counter, grabbing us some silverware from a drawer. We all took our seats and Roger was the first to help himself to the food in the steaming pot. We all followed in behind him and ended up having seconds as well. We ate most of what was in the pot and told jokes, talking about our day after pushing aside our dishes. It turns out that Freddie spent his day with Jim (a guy he claims to be 'just friends' with, but we know what's really going on) shopping (surprise, surprise) and eagerly shot up from the table to show us what he bought. After a while of admiring (or pretended to admire) Freddie's purchases we all helped clean up the kitchen. John cleaned off the table and put the food up, Freddie cleaned off the counters and Roger and I washed the dishes. I scrubbed them in the soapy water while he rinsed and dried them.

With our stomachs feeling tight and the kitchen clean, we all sauntered over to the living room and plopped down on the couches. Freddie and John occupied the larger couch and left the love seat for us "lovebirds" as Freddie called us. We had decided on watching some television and I was leaned back in the cushions with Roger curled up under my arm and his head on my chest. I was running my fingers through his hair and he was drawing imaginary circles on my chest as our eyes were glued to the screen. That's something we did every night after dinner. After about 10 or 15 minutes of this, he suddenly shot straight up and with a wicked smile, dashed off to the kitchen out of side. I caught John's strange look and Freddie's smirk and just shrugged my shoulders. Knowing Roger, he could be doing anything... nothing surprised us with him.

I hissed at the sudden coldness hitting the back of my neck. I hadn't even heard him walk back in. Roger ran his hands on my neck before appearing in front of me with a bowl, a spoon and the sweetest face I could ever ask for.

"Rog-" I began but he stopped the rest of my sentence as he smirked and pressed a chilly finger to my lips.

He removed his finger and I chuckled. I glanced over to the other couch and Freddie and John were both grinning at me. I felt a heavy weight being lowered onto my lap as Roger made himself comfortable on me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and watched him handle the spoon with his right hand, holding the bowl with his left.

Freddie nudged John and they both stood up, snickering. "Well lovelies, we are heading to bed now... goodnight you two." Freddie winked at us and walked out of the room.

"See you two tomorrow... and goodnight." John smirked and headed to his room.

We were now alone. 

I watched as the corners of his mouth turned up in a wicked grin and his eyes became two deep blue lust filled pools. I licked my bottom lip quickly and watched him bring the spoon up to his own lips, licking the under side of the cold metal before taking it into his mouth. He slowly closed his eyes and I moaned, watching the way his throat moved as he swallowed the creamy cold dessert. His eyes fluttered open and he chuckled softly. I ran my fingers in circles on the soft flesh of his hip and drug my hands over his tense thighs. He leaned foward, pressing our foreheads together, and his hot breath, tinged with a slight chill, hit my lips. I felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest. That's one thing about us... I still feel butterflies when I see him and he never fails make my heart race with the slightest touch.

"Rog..." I moaned his name and he immediately pressed his sweetened lips on mine.

I could taste the vanilla in his mouth as he slid his tongue into my mouth. I tried to grab him and pull him closer, but he pulled away with a sneer. I poked my bottom lip out in which he immediately ran the cold spoon across, leaving a sticky sheen. I went to lick it away, but another warm tongue found it's way to do so itself. I slid my hands from his thighs to his smooth stomach, exploring under his shirt. It was his turn to moan now.

What a sight this might be for someone who might decide to walk in: two blokes on a couch, one straddling the other and hands up shirts, sharing a bowl of ice cream.

The thought made me giggle and I saw little sparks in his eyes.

He spun the spoon around in the bowl and lifted it back up. There was a good amount on it this time.

"Open your mouth Brimi" Roger's voice was low and rough.

I parted my lips and he dipped the spoon into my mouth. The cold ice cream cascaded across my tongue, waking my tastebuds up to sweet vanilla. I swallowed and felt Roger's hot mouth on my neck. I slid the bowl out of his hands and held it as he nipped at my skin. His cold hands collided with the hot skin of my face as he made his way to my jawline. I wriggled my body under him and his teeth grazed my chin before pulling away. 

I took this time to lift the spoon up to his mouth and feed him. We soon got to the bottom of the bowl.

"We ate it all." I handed the bowl to Roger and he put it on the side table. "But I'm still... hungry..." I couldn't escape his look of pure, hungry lust in his eyes.

I pulled him closer to me and nipped down his neck as I slid my hands under his shirt. He responded by pulling it up over his head and throwing it beside us on the couch. I scratched my hands over his toned chest as he ripped mine open. after minutes of groping and heavy kissing, he stopped to look me in the eyes.

My pants had become almost painfully tight and he leaned forward a little, letting me know his were as well.

"How 'bout we uh... take this to the bedroom..." He didn't have to tell me twice!

He crawled off me and we stood up. I couldn't stop kissing him though. His lips were like a drug. I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I carried him all the way to my bedroom like that, until I threw him on the bed and the real fun began.

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