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"Grab a basket Rog." I took out my list and a pen as Roger returned with a basket.

"Okay, what do we need to get first?" Roger smiled sweetly at me and I looked down at the list.

"Uh... let's get the cereal first." I smiled at him and we found the aisle with the cereal on it.

"Pick you out a box, Rog. I picked last time, so it's your turn." He  examined the choices before throwing one in the cart.

"Eh Brimi, don't look now but I think we're being followed." Roger smirked at me and nodded in the direction from which I could hear giggling.

"Well wave at them and see what they do" I glanced at the two girls hiding behind some fruit and smiled.

Roger turned to them and waved like you do when you see a baby. They squealed and grabbed each others shoulders with wide eyes. They seemed to have disappeared so we continued with our shopping. I love seeing our fans that excited about us, it makes me seem so... important and special. Roger makes me feel that way too, that's why I love him so much.

We had successfully gotten everything that was on the list save for Freddie's champagne. We were searching for his favorite when the two giggling girls returned holding a bottle. They were so giddy with excitement as Roger accepted it from their hands.

"Hey, how'd you ladies know exactly what we were looking for?" Roger looked at them with a soft smile and shocked eyes.

"Well we heard Brian say you needed Freddie's champagne and we remember his favorite from a magazine interview!" One girl with medium brown flowing hair and soft brown eyes spoke excitedly.

"Yeah, we just love you guys! We are HUGE fans!" The other girl spoke, putting emphasis on the word 'huge' She was extremely attractive with her dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"Well thank you ladies." I smiled at them and took the bottle from Roger, putting it in the basket.

"Yeah... ya know, we love meeting our fans. Especially ones as pretty as the two of you." Roger winked at them, always a flirt.

They both giggled and blushed. We ended up both giving them our autographs and kisses on the cheek before the ran off for the last time.

"That blonde was a cutie." I knew he'd say something like that.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "C'mon lover boy. Let's hurry up and get home before you end up finding someone else." I joked with him and drug him by his arm.

That's the thing I like about our relationship, we don't get super protective and controlling over each other. We don't have to. We trust each other enough. It's like that saying "You can look at the menu, but just can't order." We can look at other people, but nothing's going to happen. We are simply "taking in our scenery" as Roger put it. I think it's funny the way girls bat their eyes and flirt at Roger and he does the same, but I'm the one that'll have him screaming my name at the end of them day. I can recall this one time the band and I were at a party, Roger getting drunk of course, and a beautiful young lady approached him. She began to bat her eyes and rub his arms, and he was just smiling at her. I was about to walk over there seeing that she was getting a little handsy, but I stopped myself and listened to what he was saying to her. She was asking him to go back with her and the words Roger responded with made me feel proud to call him my boyfriend. He said no. His words were, slurred but proud, "no thank you, I'm taken." Now I know that may not seem like much to be proud of, but I was. Roger is this wealthy rock star that can have anyone he wants, most rock stars do even if they are taken, but he politely declined with the honest truth. She scoffed at him and walked away. I smiled to himself and I walked up beside him. He looked at me and smiled, I swear it was the cutest drunken little smile, and I hugged him. 

We put all the bags in the back of the car and Roger hopped in the driver's seat. I got in beside him and just smiled at him. He is just so cute when he gets to drive. He noticed me looking at him and he leaned over, giving me a quick kiss before starting up the engine. He talked non-stop about anything and everything on the way home. Roger just has this adorable child-like personality that makes me fall in love with him every time I look at him. He's so sweet and funny, but can also be harsh and serious when needed. 

We pulled up in the driveway and I noticed John's car in the driveway. Roger and I began grabbing handfuls of bags and walking to the door. We open it and placed them on the table.

Roger called out for John "Deaks? We're home. Can ya come 'n give us a hand here?"

"Yeah, uh... just a minute." He sounded 'off guard'. but we brushed it off.

Within just minutes, a messy-headed smiling bass player emerged from his bedroom. 

"What's got you in such a happy mood? And fix ya hair mate." Roger smiled at him. 

When were soon answered without words when we saw a young woman saunter out from his bedroom and wrap her arms around him.

"Hey boys." Veronica wore the same goofy grin as her loving boyfriend.

Roger and I shared a look before bursting into a hardy laughter. "Hey Ronnie" we said in unison.

John and Veronica helped us get all the food put away and we all four sat in the living room together. Veronica sat in John's lap on the love seat as Roger and I occupied the couch. He sat in between my legs and used my chest as a pillow as I , like always, combed my fingers through his soft hair. 

"Hey, I wonder how Freddie's lunch date with Jim went." Roger nonchalantly spoke.

"I guess we'll find out when he gets home. I shrugged.

And so we waited.

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