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As a child, I dreamt of a love unbreakable by the world. A love pure, unconditional, and fulfilling, one that was meant for me. Something beyond the books and movies known. One which would leave a remarkable impact, one which would last a lifetime. Now after 18 years of living, I have changed my dreams to something more realistic. Perhaps it was quite a naive dream, though who could blame an innocent, unexposed child for believing in such a thing. Regardless, I wasn't all wrong with my dream of the future. I did receive a pure unconditional love from my parents which I will always cherish, but outside of the home, it's a different story.

In my years growing up, throughout middle and high school I was sought after for one thing, which I will tell you now, was not my immaculate personality. I have yet to experience something of such wonders, a love on the soul level, but I am not hopeless. A year ago I would have told you it did not exist, but I know I can not be the only one to feel, yearn, for something like that. 

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