Chapter 26

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My decisions are final.

Malikai's hunched frame leaned over the bed as he grabbed a preselected shirt. Its thin cloth scrunched in his hand, each muscle flexing from his gasp under his tanned skin. The summer sun imprinted a darkened mark over his upper body, though my vision caught sight of his lighter, untouched skin peeking out from his lowered shorts. His arms tossed over a cornflower blue shirt, the fabric replacing the skin of his bare back as he began adjusting its position..

I could at least look into it... Couldn't I?

...For why?

The hopeful leap of my heart overcame my rational brain. A momentary loss of control as my eyes softened toward Mal.

Of course, it would be nice to stay with the one I love, but what about the loved ones I will leave behind? An opportunity close to Malikai's would have to appear for me to go with the idea. Even if that were the case, would I really want to move from my parents?

Why does everything ache at that thought?

If Dad is right...

"Sweetheart?" Mal cooed out.

Raising my eyes, I found a curious gaze inquiring back at me.

"Hi," I murmured in response.

A toned arm reached up, the warmth of his hand stroking atop my head granted my overwhelmed heart rest. As my eyes closed and a sigh arose from my lips, Mal's arm fell gently to my shoulder, his hand moving further down to rest on my bicep.

"What has your thoughts?"

I shifted my weight as my eyes danced over the daylit room.

White fluffy sheets poofed over the bed we had been sharing. The window above cast rays of sun over the room, its light reflecting off the wooden bedside tables and catching a shimmering particle as it reflected its falling debris in a sunbeam. It's homey... Or maybe we make it homey?

"Mm, it's not something I can chat comfortably about yet. Everything's good though, I'll be sure to talk to you when I get more info."

Malikai's brown furry brows furrowed in on themselves. His head tilting as he scanned over my face,

"You have both intrigued and worried me, more than I had previously been." I chuckled at this before he continued, "Everything is alright though, correct?"

"Correct." I smiled, giving him a nod.

Malikai's previous expression softened as he copied my actions.

"Alrighty, I'll believe you," Lifting his hand off my arm, Mal lept his body down to peck my cheek, "this time."

Giggling, I reached out onto his side, my fingers wigging upon contact leaving a scrunched Mal in exchange.

"Aye, careful now." Malikai's bony finger stretched out accusatively in my direction, "We all know who can and cannot tolerate tickling."

His playful threats were disregarded as my lingering gaze enveloped his face. The wide, tooth-shining smile stretching his dark pink lips; his amused expression filled my heart with a rush of sensations in my chest.

Of course, it would be amazing to stay here with you...

"What do you two plan on doing then?"

This question emanated from my parent's mouths, a collective uncertainty I felt wavering as they attempted to proceed.

"Well, in terms of studies, Malikai has decided on taking the offer, which as I have said I am very happy for him. But there's really nothing for me here besides Mal. As much as I love him, we have just started this relationship and I still need to do schooling. Not to mention you guys, Sol, my entire life is here with you all." My voice faltered towards the end, the idea of parting from my parents sending my stomach into knots.

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