Chapter 1

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Delicate droplets danced over the glass before me, an indistinct "shhhhh" announced from the roof which continued to be drenched in soft kisses. The enormous glass windows reflected golden glints off the tiny waters revealing an array of infinite rainbows. Each luminescent ray shone back with a multitude of streaks, white, red, pure yellow, and blue all waved between the overwhelming golden glow.

Like being surrounded by clouds, I was swaddled in an airy encompassment of my entire soul. My cheeks filled with warmth, a tingling sensation overtaking my nerves as I raised my hand to touch the sparkling view.

"Is the light too much, Sweetheart? Hold on..."

With squinted vision, a blurry dark hand overcomes my eyes, a passionate fire playing over the skin caressed, its fullness encompassing my face and soon my heart. Slowly, a smile takes over my sleepy body, my head falling to its side as a final ray of light beamed through the cracks of his fingers,

I love you...





Soft pattering of rain fluttered into my ears. Its echo tickled my eardrums, and soon my head found itself ruffling into the foam pillow, as though it would deafen the unwanted treading of sound. With a deep nasally inhale, I further sank into the bed. The blankets engulfed me in a sea of warmth, each thread a loving embrace calling me to stay. My lips tilt up in a smile, its comfort was something to be grateful for.

The gentle tickle within my chest suddenly sends flashes of my dream before me. I could still feel that foreign heat.

A dream....

Ah, wow, what a beauty! Why did such a heavenly exposure end so soon? Such a wonderful one, it felt so real!

... Well, of course it felt real, it was brain generated and perceived, what better quality can you get?

Hm, either way... I wonder if I head back to bed now... can I still go back?

With something so pleasant, it is hard to deny it of its rightful time. Yet with all things comes a moment of pause; to reflect, come back, and love it even more.

Time for me to go miss you, bed. Just know your temptation holds as strong as ever.

Lying there in silence, my plan was halted as a foggy blank slate rests over me. My body was that of a lone rock off the shore, its existence cozying into the millions of sand grains over its being.

I must get up.

Reaching my hand out of the comforting warmth of the blankets, I pull the eye mask off my face. Fresh windy air hits me as a shock, my body better waking up this very moment. With a large exhale, I toss the covers off and move my body into a sitting position.

Grasping for my phone, I switch off the fake rain noise with a glimpse around the room. A shiver shot throughout my body, my internal temperature decreasing with each passing second as I reach for my cover once more. In a distracted jumble, my eyes trail over the window next to me, its large opening allowing the morning breeze to waltz in.

Scurring to close the chilly air out, the dark, hazy blue sky waved me outdoors as the window shut.

Reading over my alarm clock, the time, 5:13 AM, read back at me. A pang of annoyance shot through me as I was up later than expected.

Oh well.

The spring temperatures had finally given an environment well-tolerated to partake in outside morning activities. A long-awaited time of the year for more than one reason.

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