Chapter 16

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The stomach-turning noise of someone's guts being projected left me rushing out of the kitchen and towards the scene. Pushing the doors open, my feet flooded out to the hall. Though as much as I wanted to make sure they were alright, I was not prepared for the disaster I would walk into.

Our previously beautiful, fluffy, off-white carpet was left soaked in putrid, yellow bodily fluid and chunks of which I did not want to know of. Its stench penetrated my nasal cavity almost immediately as I stepped closer. Catching the glimpse of the scattered mess, I flung my hand to cover my nose before getting closer.

"You alright? What happened?" I quickly question when entering the living room.

"Runa..." Sol's trembling voice whimpered out, tears soon piling up in his ocean eyes, "I don't feel well,"

Taking a step forward, I paused watching my brother hunch over and unleash another round on the poor carpet.

Oh no.

Scurrying towards Sol, I tried my best to dodge the wet puddles of half-digested food as I lifted his small frame.

"Alright buddy, hang in there," Attempting a soothing tone, I hurriedly carried him down the hall and towards the bathroom.

My eyes scanned over the clothes Sol had, noticing bits of splattered bile that seemed to have made its way over his tee. While looking over his shirt, I soon noticed his stomach contracting as he shot his hands over his mouth.

Luckily reaching the bathroom just in time, I set Sol down next to the toilet as he went for round three, emptying the rest of his stomach. My hand reached out to feel his forehead as he arched over the porcelain.

Burning hot. As expected.

"I'm gonna take your shirt off bud, okay?"

Sol made no argument nor questioned my actions as I carefully gripped the bottom of his shirt and began rolling upwards. Pulling the fabric up and off his body, Sol made a light whine in return.

"It's cold..." His eyes peek upwards to my own, a helpless look cast upon his face.

I nod, "Okay, are you alright for me to go grab you another shirt?"

A soft hum of agreement came from Sol, yet I stood caressing his head momentarily, hesitant to leave him alone in such a sickly state.

"I'll be quick," I mumble, more to myself as comfort before stepping out.

My feet dashed across my home, the dance I performed dodging biohazards in our living room leaving me slightly horrified at the thought of cleaning it up. How am I supposed to get that out of there...?

Once up the steps, I made my way towards Sol's room, which happened to be on the other side of the bent hall. Taking the right, I entered my brother's living quarters and began scanning over his belongings.

My eyes locked in on his dresser beside the door, my hand reaching towards its wooden louvered doors. Swiftly the doors slid open, the clothes revealing themselves as I rummaged for a shirt.

Paying no mind to style or looks, I promptly pulled the fabric off the hanger and began my descent back to Sol.

"Sol, I'm back with a t-shirt, this alright?" I offered, propping open the bathroom door to reveal Sol's tiny body curled up against the toilet.

His skin looked pale, much lighter than normal as he sat on the floor. Sol's arms wrapped around himself, knees bundled tightly to his chest.


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