Chapter 5

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The beaming of sunlight was not a pleasant wake-up call as it burned through my closed eyelids. Though, on the other hand, the very pleasant pillow of Malikais' backside was quite comfortable. I laugh to myself, noticing we had fallen asleep on my floor, sometime last night. Seeing as I used his back as a pillow, we laid in a T shape with Malikais' head inches from my desk chair.

Sacrificing my eyes once more, I glance up to my desk in front of the window to check the time. 8:38 AM. Deciding to be kind to my dearest friend, I quietly get up to grab a pillow off my bed. In a gentle motion, I lift Malikai's head and stick my fluffy pillow underneath him.

I bite my lip in anticipation, hoping to not have woken him and to my relief, only a soft groan exited his lips as he turned to lay on his side. I give a sigh of relief before silently exiting my room to prepare something to eat.

Heading down the steps I pass Sol sitting on the couch watching some cartoons.

"Good morning kiddo," I interrupted, standing beside him.

Sol shuffles for the remote, pausing the show before jumping to hug me. "Morning Runa! Where's Mal?"

"Still sleeping, I'm being nice and letting him get the much-needed sleep." I laugh. Sol nods, sitting back on the couch.

I begin to walk towards the kitchen calling back to him, "Want anything in particular?"

A soft mm-mm is heard, making me sigh and swing open the kitchen doors. Its soft squeaking continues as I try to decide what to make.

After a little while of rummaging through the cabinets and fridge, the decision of pancakes and bacon came about. The already hot kitchen became almost unbearable while cooking breakfast for everyone leading to my hungry and hot irritableness.

"Mmmm," I groan, flicking the stove off. Thank goodness everything's finally done.

Taking a few steps away, I grab plates and glasses for the three of us. Surprisingly neither of my parents would be joining us today, seeing as they were both off at work. I perk up a bit at the thought of my loving parents while setting the table before finally heading to grab the boys.

As I pass Sol, I signal breakfast is ready and head up the steps. I hear him run towards the kitchen, muttering a quick thank you before I reach the top making me laugh. All that's left is to wake the other boy.

While walking towards Malikai's sleeping form, I noticed how childlike he truly looked asleep. Curled into the fetus position, he laid snoozing away with a peaceful look resting on his face. I felt the sides of my lips curl up as I watched him briefly.

"Malikai," I say in a soothing tone while taking a squatting stance beside him.

With no response, I start to attempt shaking him awake. "Hey I made breakfast, are you gonna let my work go to waste?" Snickering to myself, I watch him stir a bit.

"Can't we have breakfast in bed?" He mutters in a groggy voice.

Before brushing off the idea, I decided to just say screw it. "Alright," I commented before getting back up. A confused noise exits Malikai's lips as he goes to sit up. His hands reached up to rub the sleepiness from his eyes before glancing up at me.

I felt the beating of my heart race as I looked back down at him. His eyes looked hazy, a tired expression present yet he looked content. A smile began forming on his face as he cocked his head at me. "Really?"

My ears burned with heat, feeling redness seep onto my cheeks. Huh?

Whipping myself around, I nod, "Yeah, I'll ask Sol to join us as well." I spoke trying to hide the shakiness from my voice.

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