Chapter 22

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"You have no fucking idea what we had to go through!"

The ear-piercing vocals of Evangeline echoed through the home, my stomach turning at the stress though all I could think about was the boys.

Glancing over at Naomi who was sat at the table, enjoying a late dessert, I hastily decided to check up on the kids upstairs. Sneaking around the dining room, I tip-toed up the wooden floors and up to the bedroom they were sharing.

"What about us?! You have never even considered Avery! Tell me, when have you cared?!" Malikai's harsh bellowing hacked into my soul as a shiver tore through me.

"We're trying! Don't you see we..." Evangeline's shriek slowly muffled as I climbed to the second floor. Although it was not impossible to hear, you had to strain your ears to fully understand. On the other hand, it didn't take a bat to hear the angry dissatisfaction being thrown about the house.

As my feet reached the boys' cracked door, the hall light flooded a sliver of the room. My eyes scanned for the two boys yet could not find anything in the quiet abyss, I had almost begun to think they had fallen asleep early. Though as I began to step away, the faintest whisper of a sob fell from Avery's lips as I heard my brother's attempt at comfort.

"I want Mommy," Avery hiccuped as I heard his breaths stagger.

Shuffles of what I assumed to be my brother came about as he offered something out, "Here," sniffles were heard before Sol spoke again, "'s my favorite toy when I feel sad,"

My lips parted as I stared into the room, my heart clenching as I quietly listened. So helpless and yet I couldn't do anything to aid this young child.

I am so sorry.

While Avery confided in my brother, I stood debating on entering. Yet as the remembrance of the singular time I had come to comfort Avery he quickly pulled himself together, a mask of a smile soon appearing. A child so young, yet so ready to put on an act that he did not need anyone...

I watched on for a moment, Sol shuffling himself to hug Avery in the darkness of the room while Avery cried even more.

With the muffled chatter of the boys dying out and my heart heavier than a brick, I turned from the doorway back to our room across the floor. My mind was filled with disappointment for the children, and admittedly wrongly directed anger towards Malikai for arguing so loudly with his mother. Avery didn't deserve to have to bear so much suffering.

As thoughts flew past my mind, by the time Malikai had entered the room I did not notice until he spoke.

"Can we talk now?"

Shooting my head up, I lowered my eyes,

"Mal, you really shouldn't be yelling such things with Avery here. I get you need to discuss things but yelling is going to get you much farther,"

Malikai's exasperated expression of disbelief over my choice of topic left me squirming under his gaze.

"That's hardly of importance right now. Aruna, I speak with you."

Taking a deep breath, I sat on the edge of the queen-sized bed and nodded. "Okay, I'm here,"

My eyes scanned over Malikai as his eyes fell to the floor. His hands which had been shaking this entire time seemed to be beyond uncontrollable as he reached his palm to rub across his face. His lips parted, a breathless attempt of speech left silence falling from his mouth.

"I got offered the opportunity to work alongside someone I have always admired growing up." This start left me smiling but by the way he continued with such a pained expression, the smile I once had faltered, "All I would need to do is study for some years and get my doctorate and some other things but it would all be paid for... It- it's something I have always wanted being presented to me on a silver platter... But," Malikai's eyes met mine once more, and the understanding of his desperation soon began to set in as he explained, "It would be based here, schooling at least while I learn alongside my superior... Job-wise I have the choice of where to be based but for now..."

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