Chapter 24

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The mellow strokes of each key sang out its song across my weary mind. Each string vibrated its low and harmonious sound, its structure creating a cocoon of warmth in the breezy air. Each syllable, even breath, the vocals of each intonation by the singer's voice replayed in clarity. One that began to mix with my own inner voice and soon enough an airy hum interrupting the silence of the night.

Pads of my fingers brushed against my outer leg as each fingertip danced the song's notes. My eyes fluttered under the dim lights of the town while Malikai and I walked back toward the house. A stillness filling between the lines, that of which I did not mind so much.

My mind's overworked and exhausted self had finally been laid down. Its answers that it craved, oh so dearly, were answered and worries cooled off for the time being, what else was there to do but rest?

As my lips vibrated each hum of breath, I further lost myself in its rhythmic story. The individual instrumental plays, additionally the slowly introduced vocal tones expressed a deeply sensed emotion. Its calling to this moment felt exceptionally fitting of this moment.

A melancholic song that for some reason brought a gentle smile across my face in a sort of peaceful acceptance. A knowing that it is all okay, and that it always shall be.

"Why'd you stop?"

Jumping, my eyes widened slightly at Malikai's muted voice.


"Your humming, it was soothing."

"Oh," My cheeks flushed red under the lighting, though it was invisible to see, only my shy smile peaked out to show, "It was the end of the song,"

"I see," He spoke as fresh leaves rustled in the breeze, "It's too bad it's over, it was rather enjoyable."

My lips smiled wide, even an attempt of hiding it could not come to pass as my cheeks ached with glee.

"Well, thank you," My voice sauntered out, a smile present in my tone.

"You're very welcome little lady," Mal chuckled smoothly.

My eyes wandered over to his lowly lit face, "Want to tell me what you have back at the house yet?"

A teasing sigh came from Malikai's lips, "My my, you seem to have made a habit of asking me to reveal my surprises. Do you not like surprises Aruna?"

A nasally exhale of a laugh came from my nose, "I was just curious, if you don't want to tell, you may keep your secret, this time at least."

A warm breeze shook free strands of my hair across my jaw as I reached to tuck my hair to the side. In the moments of lowering my hand, it was quickly plucked from its position and held captive in a tender embrace.

Scanning over his prominent cheekbones, my eyes found his sparking depths. Malikai's gaze held mine in steady conversation as his hand, still holding my own, raised to his lips. My heart raced as I observed his movements, his frame leaning down as the two of us halted briefly in the street. In benign affection, Malikai's lips pressed over the top side of my hand as my eyes flickered from my skin to his concentrated gaze.

In an automatic response, my stomach soared under his intense eye contact that he refused to break. Gulping, I faltered my look toward the ground, my hand tugging his to get moving.

Does he have any idea what he's doing to me?

"Did you have an okay day?" Malikai murmured in a light tone.

A disgruntled expression came about as I remember my worrisome mind, though I quickly corrected myself with a clear of the throat, "It was definitely something, I got to spend time with my family and makeup with you, so you know it was pretty good. Did you have a good day?"

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