Chapter 8

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My mother's laughter filled the kitchen as she attempted to suppress herself the best she could.

"I'm telling you, that was just a generational sign of a great friendship." My dad stated matter of factly. I shook my head chuckling to myself, giving Xia a look of pity.

Although it was funny to look back on, I have to admit I was terrified seeing her on the floor where our landing was. The brief thought she seriously injured herself was first in my mind as I rushed down to make sure she was alright. Luckily, she managed to only get a few small bruises and a broken nail.

When my father arrived home just in time for dinner, we all sat around the table to enjoy a meal. As we settled in after introductions, he heard about the incident of Xia falling and smiled.

That was the start of Mom's uncontainable laughter and Dad's storytime.

"You know, when I was young, maybe a few years younger than you two, I went to a friend's house. It was the first time we had hung out, besides school, and of course, we were hanging out in his room. It was spring, and he wanted to open his window, but had trouble opening it so he asked me." My dad's smile widened, recalling his memories, "No more than a moment after attempting to press the window up, it shatters outwards. I didn't even know I got hurt until my buddy started freaking out seeing the blood trickling down my face."

"Don't you still have the scar, honey?" Mom added, scooting closer to my dad while scanning over his face.

Father nodded, pointing to a small indentation above his eyebrow. "First time with a new friend and getting injured is just a good sign. Look at Kernan and I, still friends to this day." He affirmed proudly.

"I'll take this as a green flag for us then, Aruna," Xia commented with a small giggle.

Shaking my head in agreement, the conversation soon transferred to other topics. While my parents began their small talk among themselves, I couldn't help but listen in about Dad's work.

"She was late once more, and somehow I got scolded." A sigh escaped his lips as he reached down, grabbing his fork. "I was taken aback by his harsh demenor, mostly due to the fact I was just doing my job. I mean for God's sake," Dad shook his head with disappointment.

I peeped my head up, "You're not talking about that one girl are you?

"Kira? The recently promoted one," He confirmed.

I let out an exaggerated sigh, "Dad you should know better than to attack Mr. Bossman's new lover."

Xia cleared her throat lightly beside me before parting her lips, "I'm sorry, do you know that woman's last name by chance?"

My father's eyes wandered around the room as he began to think, "Hm, Solace I believe? I might be pronouncing it wrong, forgive me."

Xia's eyes widened as she began laughing, "No way," she covered her mouth, muffling the amusement she couldn't contain. "Sir, you work with my older sister."

Everyone sitting at the dinner table took a look of shock, my mom being the first to reply.

"You know what hunny, maybe you were right about the fated friends." She chuckled before sipping on her water. "Isn't that something?"

Dad seemed to have had a loading error as he processed what Xia had presented him. His eyes stared widely, seeming to realize the resemblance between the two perhaps. Though a moment later he smiled.

"Huh, well I hope she knows what she is getting into with our CEO, he's an interesting character, to say the least."

"Sadly I'll bet she knows exactly what she's getting into, girls a killer for players. I'm sure she's gonna leave him with more knots in his life then forgotten earbuds," She exhaled a laugh through her nose before continuing, "Let me guess, you were reprimanding her for being late?"

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