Chapter 7

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The next day, Thursday, started uneventfully as normal. I woke up, jogged my normal route, made and ate breakfast with Sol, then slumped onto the couch to slowly merge as one.

Where was Mal to occupy me? Gah. To think I don't have anything better to do...

Realistically on my free days, I spent them with Mal, studying, watching tv, or on occasion doing something in mom's art studio. Seeing as I was not going to be visiting him anytime soon, I'm left alone to succumb to fulfillment through technology.

Luckily today, it wasn't past one in the afternoon when I got a call from Xia. The outside world, have you come to save me?

"Hello?" I answer, beginning to walk out of the living room to get some privacy.

A brief moment of sniffling subsided as Xia's voice flooded through the phone, "H-Hey Aruna, is this a bad time?"

"No no not at all, what's going on?" My rushed response fell from my lips, though I knew what had happened.

"He cheated on me, Dominic? Yeah that fucking dick," a light sob was heard as I felt empathy come through me. "I don't even know what to do right now honestly."

"Oh love, would you like to come and spend the night here? We can talk about whatever you want, and I can try to cheer you up?" I suggested knowing it would be easier to talk in person and give more comfort that way.

A light murmur in agreement came from Xia as I switched to messages and gave her my address. After a brief exchange we hung up and I went to inform Sol of our guest for the night.

"Hey, a new friend of mine is staying over, she's going through a rough time right now so please be kind," I inform him as I sit beside him on the couch.

He nodded politely, "'Course Runa, I'll be good," A toothy grin shone across his face as I ruffled his hair.

"Thank you,"

Sol and I sat there finishing up our prior show just as a knock on the door was heard.

"I'll get it!" Sol exclaimed, jumping off the couch and rushing towards the door. His little stomps sounded through the living room and towards the small area where our door was.

"Hi, there!" Sol greeted Xia after pulling open the door.

I made my way up and towards the entrance of our home.

"Hey," I added waving to her. The sight of my heartbroken friend appeared in front of me. She wore a loose off-white t-shirt with some jogging pants while wearing her hair in a curly bun atop her head. Her beautiful, dark complexion appeared puffy across her face though a smile sat pleasantly on her lips.

Xia gave us a shy wave before introducing herself, "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Xia."

Sol gave her a big smile reaching out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Xia, I'm Sol,"

I watched their interaction, proud of how r.

The two shook hands, and not long after Sol was walking back towards the couch to give us privacy.

"Well," I shoved my hand around in a showing manner, "This is my home haha, the kitchen is through those doors right there," I pointed past the living room into the hall which shone two doors, "and at the end of the hall there is a bathroom if you need for any reason."

Xia peaked her head around in a curious way, "Wow your house is so beautiful, very spacious." I smiled, all due to my parents' hard work.

"Thank you, oh would you like anything to drink?" Xia shook her head no, making me nod, "Hm, wanna head up to my room to chat?"

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