Chapter 23

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A faint sigh resonated from the phone's speaker. A feminine tone of curious incomprehension came about.

"What would be so bad about just going with?"

My brows furrowed as I frowned, my eyes glancing off toward the property ahead of me, "Xia, I'm not trying to become codependent on him. Plus..." Thoughts of my parents and Sol came flashing through my mind, "How could I leave my family...?"

Silence from the other end of the line was followed by a noisy exhale, "I get that, I get that... So what's now for you guys?"

My chest tightened as I walked further towards the entrance, "I have no clue man, he was clingy, now distant- I'm just trying to exist and make the transition easier for him but, I just don't know. I just called because I genuinely have no idea what to do..."

"Aruna, you got this, I'm sure you will come to an understanding of how to go about it all as you go about your day It doesn't sound like you guys will be on your trip all that much longer so maybe after you clear your head, you both can talk? If he doesn't want to discuss things with you, anything I mean, don't waste time stressing about it. But don't worry, Mal doesn't seem like that kinda guy, at least towards you."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's hard, I just want to get it all solved now. Where's my patience when I need it?" I huffed as I stood in front of the closed front door. "I just arrived back at the house, I think I'm gonna take a walk. Clear my head and stuff like you said. The late evening weather feels too good to pass up. Thank you for listening to my problems... You're a great friend, Xia,"

A light chuckle came into my ears making me smile, "Anytime girl, glad to have brought you a bit of support. Stay patient my dear friend, your wait shall not be in vain!"

Laughing, I nodded only to realize my actions could not be seen. With a hum of agreement and our final partings said, the phone call ended and I was left with gratitude for having a friend as kind as her.

Opening up the large front door, I softly called out my arrival,

"It's Aruna, I'm back!"

Feet smacking against the floor rang into my ears as I saw my little brother approaching.

"What took you so long!! You were out there forever!" His tiny form jumped up and down as he whined, a hand reaching out to tug at my shirt.

"Ah, I had an important phone call that's all, thank you for going in as I asked. Did you get cleaned up while you waited for me?"

Sol's eyes widened as he looked to the side,

"Well, Avery and his parents were talking about our trip..." his voice trailed as he spoke.

Nodding, I shot Sol a smile, "Alright, well make sure to get washed up before you go to bed okay?" Sol eagerly nodded back as I continued on, "Where's Mal?"

"He's been in his room ever since they got back, said Mrs. Sallow!"

"Ah, well I'm going to take a walk around the town, see what's around. Do you mind taking this upstairs at some point? If not, you can just leave it down here, I'll get it when I come back."

Setting my small day bag down, Sol stood straight as he nodded, "Yes Ma'am!"

A laugh bubbled up my chest, and as I began to respond, a voice startled me right out of thought.

"Do you want me to fetch Malikai to go with you dear? It's dark you know,"

Naomi's gentle yet raspy voice trailed into my consciousness as I glanced over at her seated in the family room. Her white floral shirt delicately rested over her light green longer skirt as she sat with one leg crossed over another.

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