Chapter 21

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On the second day, the skies had cleared to reveal pleasant summer weather. The air, warm and soothing, led bugs of all types; beautiful, bright butterflies and busy bees to roam its land. The ebb and flow of life shown through the natural weather was yet another reminder of the unexpected events that fall upon us. Some of stunning magnificence, and others that had you scurrying under the covers, eyes shut as you begged for the nightmare to end.

Today was somewhere in between, an unknown of which way the tides would flow. The should be excitement of today's event was veiled in unsure anxiety. Although the eager giggles of the children sounded the house as they prepared for our beach trip, my eyes and heart settled outside the kitchen sliding glass doors to where heaviness could be felt from afar,

Between the hedges that surrounded the covered porch, there was Malikai as he sat across from his parents. The unwavering expression of thought rests across his face, only the backs of his parents' heads being shown in my direction. The occasional opening of Malikai's mouth came, short words of unknown nature expressed before a sudden shift occurred in the demeanor of the three.

Outside the barrier of the glass, Malikai's expression faltered, his steady eyes falling to the ground as he seemingly searched for something. His face contorted as though he were in pain, yet looked up in desperate curiosity. More words came about from his lips, though his speech appeared quickened as he leaned forward.

I watched silently, a foot stepping forward to turn away from this magnetic scene yet I stopped as Alex pulled a card from his pocket. The small paper had writing too small to see from such a distance, though the way Malikai admired the simple rectangular object, the more I wondered what had his attention so strongly.

I easily recognized the small, gaping expression he had as one of disbelief, the trembling of his hands as he reached to take the card from his father indicating a level of fear or anxiousness. Though the contorting of his eyebrows as they furrowed above his desperately searching pupils gave me an understanding of the weight of whatever this was.

My heart raced in my chest.

Here it was.

The true meaning of why they brought Malikai all the way across the world... A serious discussion, information that was full of uncertainty, what could that discussion possibly propose?

As my lip was pulled between my teeth, I quickly turned away from the captivating scene before me. Eavesdropping was lower than I would like to participate in and this talk was one that was heavy enough just to observe. Unsure of what the topic of discussion was, I speedily made my way out of the kitchen and towards the upstairs bedroom where Mal and I have been staying.

Ah... What did that little card say?

Ideas of whose business card Alexander could have been sharing with him crossed my mind yet nothing came about. All business cards that I was aware of, AKA Malikai's parents as well as my own, resembled nothing of the sort. Instead, this white, simple card was passed along brightening Malikai's eyes yet bringing him apprehension. This question overwhelmed my mind as I got dressed for today's events. Looking forward to the blue waves soon became an obsessing want for answers. It didn't sit right with me, the way Malikai reacted, nor the feeling of the unknown.

With a deep breath in, and a long exhale of focus, I shook my head clear of these obsessive thoughts. Mal will discuss this with me sooner or later, and I knew it was just a matter of time so it would be better to allow him space to handle what was going on. He's most likely going through a lot more stress than I am, as he knows the truth of this circumstance. I just pray he doesn't feel he needs to handle it alone.

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