Chapter 27

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It was as though I had been reborn again.

A new mind, new ambitions, a dedicated start towards a new path. The summer sun appeared to grant me renewal after we had returned home, undeniably though, it was God's hand that swept over me as I surrendered to the new.

I no longer could waste a second of my time.

Well, at least I tried my best not to do so. The once-in-a-lifetime trip we experienced gave me much more wisdom than I had anticipated learning. A reality check doubling as a fork in the road. Who knew? I had already chosen to do what was best for me, all that was left was to act.

And that was exactly what I would be doing.

Knock, knock, knock.

My knuckles hit the wide, wooden door. Its heavy sound echoed as a muffled voice called from beyond its closed position. I shuffled my feet against the concrete stairs as I stood waiting. A short time of eye wandering, the bright greenery shrouding the home happily filling my view, was soon interrupted by a metal click of the front door.

"Welcome Girly!" A familiar voice sang out, the wooden slab leaving my vision replaced with a yellow, warmly lit interior.

My eyes widened with a warm smile coming about as they met Xia's youthful expression, "Xia!"

Opening her arms, the two of us shared a friendly embrace as I smiled into her shoulder, "I've missed you! It's been too long,"

Xia's chin nodded into my shoulder before she pulled back, "Goodness, you have no idea, I'm so glad to see you! I've been worried, you know."

Chuckling I shook my head, "I'm living my best life, don't fret my dear friend."

A wide grin sat on Xia's face before her eyes suddenly widened with a stumble backward,

"Ah! Please come in," A muffled giggle came from her as she waved her arms in a welcoming motion.

Bowing my head, I stepped into her goldenly lit home. A warm vanilla scent immediately wafted into my nostrils, the smell of fresh laundry mingled with the summer breeze cascading under my nose. A deep inhale left my body. Softening into the atmosphere, the dark hardwood floors led my eyes into a living space open to my right.

A well-proportioned woman sat in-between off-white, borderline yellow couch cushions. Her distant expression looked out past the sunny window beside her. Arms well toned led to a dark hand holding up her chin, the profiled shot giving me a view of her short, dark curls atop her crown.

The room appeared with scattered antique paintings hung over the cream walls, dark trim and old wood tables sat near the many pieces of couches. Three oval-topped windows let in a casting of bright summer light over the livingroom though before I could trail my view elsewhere, Xia's voice emanated from the seconds of silence,

"Ma," Xia stepped forward into the living room, a hand pointing to me as she spoke, "Aruna's arrived, we'll be staying busy, out of your way. If you need anything, I'm here."

The woman, who I had more or less assumed to be Xia's older sister than mother, slowly turned her head over to us as she gave us a good look over. Her dark eyes resembled a shade of black from my viewpoint as they trailed over my standing form. The unwavering eyeing left me struggling to keep stable eye contact with her authoritative demeanor, yet as she met my gaze, a soft smile shone on me.

I now see where Xia gets her charisma from.

"Welcome Aruna, we're glad to have you. Enjoy. You may call me Sura if you want to converse at any time, don't hesitate if so."

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