Chapter 18

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The final weeks of May went by with ease for the seniors of my high school. Luckily in the meantime, Malikai and I were able to celebrate his birthday together only a few days after I had gotten better. The two of us found little moments in the chaotic finish line while we all began wrapping up our end-of-the-year projects.

The rest of the students were given lots more free time before graduation, an honorable mention as one of the few positives that could be felt during this time. Discussions of additional schooling, jobs, and adulting were shoved down our throats, and the reality of graduating settled in.

Although it wasn't all that, the thought of having to figure out a stable and happy future for myself was a large expectation I planned to fill. This thought filled a lot of my free time while school ended, my mind filled with ideas and plans for my life.

I believe I may have overthought my previous standings on my life, the ideas of getting my career going and furthering my life suddenly becoming a dreaded time. Just maybe, do I need to take a mental break?

Luckily, in addition to the stresses others remind us of, Malikai made lots of time for us to be around one another in comfort. Few dates during this time consisted of outside activities, unless you include the morning jogs Malikai currently joined me in. Instead, we opted to restfully hang out at home, napping, gaming, and binging shows. Though we did nothing special, the moments spent together were lighthearted, allowing us to bond, and learn even more about one another.

It's a bit odd dating my best friend, a person who I was already quite affectionate and close with. Our times together have made me realize how little we have changed; it feels like we should have been dating how long ago. I suppose the only new aspects of this relationship involve the presence of a fluttering heart and a bit more physical affection. Not a exactly a bad thing...

"Ahh," Malikai yawned as he stretched his body, "let's take a break here, my body's killing me."

"Man, on this cliffhanger too? How cruel,"

Setting the remote down, I peeled my cracking body off the couch. The aches of bones molding to another left me surprised I didn't get molded the seat.

As Malikai left upstairs to his kitchen, the familiar ringtone of Mal's phone began alarming.

"Mal, your phone!"

A muffled response came shot down the steps, "Can you answer it for me?"

Taking notice of the contact flashing on the screen, I quickly realized it was Malikai's father. In a swift motion, the phone was in my hand and beside my ear.

"Hi Alex, it's Aruna. Is everything alright?"

With such a rare occurrence of Malikai's parents calling, I couldn't help but imagine the worst of reasons for contacting.

"Aruna, it's nice to hear your voice. Everything's just fine, where's my boy?"

Nodding to myself, I began getting up to head to the second floor, "He's upstairs, I'll hand you off in just a moment. How has settling into your new home been?"

"Ah, it's been alright. Not too much of a difference since we've become accustomed through the traveling. The UK isn't too bad, though if I had any say we would've been living in Italy. Oh well, happy wife, happy life am I right?"

An awkward laugh came from my lips as I reached the peak of the stairs, quickly regretting my small talk topic, my eyes scanned desperately for Malikai.

"I hear you, Sir, I'm glad it's not too bad for you guys..." Spotting my beloved, my eyes lit up as I moved forward, "Ah, here he is,"

"Thanks, Aruna,"

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