chapter 54

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Secrecy is a burden few can overcome.

It is not often that the full High Council assembles during this time of war. But now, it is inevitable that at least one seat is left open.

No one has claimed Adi's spot yet—at least not permanently. A handful of masters have cycled through, but ultimately none were deemed fit to remain in her place. I am grateful the four of us are facing away from the empty seat, because my composure is difficult enough to keep as it is.

"How could the Separatists infiltrate the Temple?" Anakin asks.

"Worse than that it is," Master Yoda says.

"What could be worse, Master Yoda?" Ahsoka asks.

"Everything is on the table," Master Windu says. "We have to look at the possibility that it could've been anyone in the Temple, even a Jedi."

"If a Jedi this is, gone to the dark side they have," Master Yoda adds.

"No... this can't be a Jedi," Caleb says, incredulous. "None of us would ever attack the Temple—our home. It can't be."

"No one inside this Temple is safe from suspicion. We'd like for you four to lead the investigation," Windu continues, leaning forward in his seat. "You and your padawans will provide an impartial point of view free of assumptions."

"We'll do everything we can," Anakin says.

"Careful you must be, Skywalker," Yoda warns. "If willing to destroy the Temple the attacker is, to great lengths they will go to keep from being caught."

"Then I guess we'll have to go to even greater lengths to catch him."

I nod my approval, and the session is adjourned.


Anakin sighs as our party enters the hangar, full of wreckage from the bombing. Gunships have been torn apart, starfighters reduced to piles of ash. Furthermore, the heavy loss of life is fracturing the usual neutral calm of the Temple within this room. It's uncanny.

"I can still hear the screams," he says.

"Do you believe what they said, that a Jedi could do this?" Ahsoka asks.

"Lots of Jedi among our ranks are political idealists, Ahsoka," I say. "Some are even willing to end the fighting altogether by whatever means necessary."

"But a traitor?"

"It's a difficult reality to take in. But we've dealt with this before—Dooku, General Krell..." I sigh, looking around the barren hangar. "Besides, we don't know for certain who did this yet. It could very well be someone outside the Order who's simply... frustrated."

Anakin and I walk further into the hangar with our padawans trailing behind.

A small droid wheels up before us, holding a datapad in its falsely anatomical hands. "Only analysis and investigation will prove what is true or not," the droid tells us, placing itself between us and our padawans. It checks the datapad in its hands.

"Who are you?" Anakin asks skeptically. He walks closer to the droid.

"I am Russo-ISC, Crime Scene Analyzer for the Jedi." While Russo is speaking, I notice Caleb coming over to stand beside me. "I will be working with you and your padawans on this case. I was assigned by Master Windu." 

"Well, Russo, Caleb and Ahsoka can help you begin the interviews."

"I would rather interview the witnesses alone," Russo argues.

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