Chapter 6

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(Here's a big chapter as an apology to the small chapter I posted before. You guys get to see how the Bad Sanses found out about the reader!)

Error's pov (3rd person view)

Error grumbled lightly as he boredly sat down on a hammock he made with his strings. He lifted his skull when he felt a glitch in an Underswap copy. He made a glitchy one-way portal to Underswap copy #400.

He watched as the Underswap!Sans of the au, who was laying in their bed. He raised a bone-brow when he noticed that the Sans looked different than what most Underswap!Sans' looked like.

He jumped slightly as the Underswap!Sans opened their eyesockets. He narrowed his eyesockets slightly when he saw the Underswap!Sans' eyelights, confused as to why they were Aqua-green and shaped as 'x's like Cross' instead of the usual baby blue stars.

He watched as they quickly got out of their bed and walked towards a mirror on the back of their door "..." He tilted his skull slightly when he heard them say "....wait.... Why is it so quiet?...." making him notice that the au copy felt eerily silent.

He jumped slightly when they quickly opened their door and rushed downstairs, yelling "Papyrus! I swear to Toriel! Please be ok! Don't be dust! Oh sweet Toriel, please don't be dust!!" as they entered their kitchen freeze then rushed out of their house.

He watched as they searched the Underground for any sign of monster life, getting slightly anxious when they couldn't find any monsters, only finding monster dust.

Once they checked everywhere, minis the Ruins he heard them say "deep breaths, (Y/n) deep breaths... Now, where haven't I checked... Ah-ha!" his eyesockets widening when he heard the name.

"....(Y/n)...." He muttered to himself, his teeth shifting into a grin 'looks like I found the glitch' he thought to himself. He watched as (Y/n) broke their way into the Ruins, walking through the Ruins. He froze slightly as (Y/n) stopped before entering the room where the Frisk's/Chara's first fall into the underground, hearing an adult male's voice.

He watched as (Y/n) quickly rushed to the beginning room, his eyelights disappearing at the same time as (Y/n)'s.

Right in front of (Y/n) was an adult, tan coloured human. The human was strapping the Chara of the au copy in one of those safety harnesses and rope he had seen humans in other Aus use for rescuing humans in trouble, securing that the child was secure by lightly pulling at the rope. The human smiled when he saw how secure it was "there, all secure!" He said looking up "you can pull the kid and me up now!" He said as they were pulled up.

He watched as the child and human were lifted out of the mountain. He jumped slightly when (Y/n) angrily yell "f*ck everything!" before angrily marching off, summoning and throwing some bones at a wall in their anger, making a hole in the wall.

"..." He closed the one-way portal, staying silent for a few moments. He grinned lightly 'I need to tell Nightmare about this...' he thought to himself before making a glitchy portal to Nightmare's castle.

A Special Blueberry {Bad Sanses X Blue!Reader} (Slow Updates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz