Chapter 13

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After a few minutes, Error rebooted and shook his skull before walking over to you. You looked at him and tilted your skull slightly "iF y0u'4e F40m the cr3@t0r5 μnive®53..why a43 y0u h3r3?" He asked. You blinked lightly "what?" You asked as Error sighed "1f y0u'4e a c43at0r wHy d1Dn'7 y0u l00K f04 1nK?" He added.

You blinked lightly before snorting "PFT- why would I try and find that soulless 'protector' when he seems to not give a flying shit about the Ballance of the multiverse" you said, crossing your arms.

Nightmare blinked before grinning. He went to speak until your stomach growled hungrily "I just fucking remembered that I haven't been able to fucking eat because I was panicking. Cause suddenly waking up as a living breathing skeleton is actually traumatizing" You said, blinking lightly when Horror picked you up and practically ran to the kitchen, making you quickly wrap your arms around Horror's neck.

Once in the kitchen Horror immediately got ingredients to make something. After a few minutes Horror placed a large plate of spaghetti in front of you. You smiled and grabbed a fork before taking a bite of the spaghetti 'holy fucking god, this is the best spaghetti I've ever tasted!' you thought before eating the rest of the spaghetti.

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