Stretching Sometimes Causes Panic

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(A/n: Here's that chapter I had mentioned in the previous a/n chapter, now with chapter names! ;3 This and a few chapters after this will be considered 'filler chapters' as I am having some trouble with getting ideas for a important chapter, hope you guys don't mind :3)
2nd POV

It was now a few days since the sudden ambush of Ink. Dream, Nightmare Error agreed to use Error's Anti-Void as a make-ship base as Ink can't enter Error's Anti-Void. You were slightly confused when Error had told you all that, surprised with the idea of Ink not being able to enter Error's Anti-Void but decided to shrug it off.

You and the rest were now doing your own things, Error was knitting in his string hammock in a corner of the living room, Nightmare and Dream were reading books, Cinna asleep with his skull in Dream's lap. One of Dream's tentacles wrapped around his waist acting like a blanket for her. Horror, Dust, Killer and Cross were taking turns playing Crash Bandicoot 4 on the ps4, surprisingly not fighting over one who's turn it was. You and Nathaniel were doing online double Pokémon battles on your 'bought' Nintendo Switches, you were playing Scarlet as Nathaniel was playing Violet.

A few hours later, you and Nathaniel had finished your online battles, you both decided to get up and start dinner as it was your and Nathaniel's times to cook. You got up first, placing your Switch on the couch and stretching your limbs, sighing in relief as your bones cracked due to sitting in one spot for a few hours.

As soon the sounds of your bones cracking echoed through the living room, causing everyone except Nathaniel and Cinna, as they were still asleep to look at you with wide eyes. Once you finished relaxing your 'muscles', your arm was suddenly pulled back by a tentacle. You blinked lightly and looked at Dream and Nightmare as they examined your arm with worry shown in their eyesockets.

You gently pulled your arm away "Is something wrong?" You lightly asked them before lightly squeaking as Nightmare suddenly grabbed your shoulder now in his passive form, Dream now staring at Nightmare with wide eyes. "Of course there's something wrong! Your bones loudly cracked!" Nightmare said in a slight panic. It took you and Nathaniel to blink lightly before you realised what he was talking about, causing you to lightly snort and softly took Nightmare's hands off your shoulders.

"I'm fine, you know how humans are made of organs bones and skin?" You lightly asked as Nightmare and Dream nodded. "Well, sometimes when a human sits down in one spot for a while without moving, their muscles tighten due to not moving around for a while and to get their muscles to relax, humans stretch and when their bones lightly crack, it relaxes their tense muscles." You said lightly as Dream and Nightmare nod slightly.

"But why did you do that when your not a human anymore?" Dream asked, curiously making you softly laugh as Nathaniel stood up "it's basically a force of habit" He said as he stretched himself, letting out a loud sigh of relief as his bones cracked "and it feels so weird not to do it" He said. Dream and Nightmare stared at each other before sighing lightly in relief as Nightmare moved his hands to his sides.

You and Nathaniel smiled slightly before heading to the kitchen to finally start cooking dinner for everyone.

(A/n: Finally! Finally got round to finishing this chapter! Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉)

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