𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

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The next few days I had off thankfully since my muscles were aching. I planned to take these next two days and relax, maybe call up a friend or two. Yet during these days, my mind could not escape the words Aiden had enticed me with. I was so confused why my boss' boss had given me a check of all things, especially without saying a word.

And what issue could he have been there to resolve? I was there for quite some time yesterday and I didn't see any ruckus. No one from the list showed up, there weren't any problems with touching that I had seen, so what could he had possibly been there for?

Most of those things are taken care of by our guards anyway. They usually restrain them and take them to a different wing of the club that I never was to see. Never did I want to either. I was always told that our guards take care of those types of things so what was there for the brothers to take care of?

No matter how much I thought about it, I could never find an answer. I had so many questions that no one could resolve, Aiden refused to tell me for some reason. I didn't want to bother the other girls about it either, plus there might be a chance that they are in the same boat as me. Maybe they didn't know either and decided to keep it that way. At the same time, with being there that long I'm sure they had some idea of it.

Maybe it's best I didn't know.

I told myself that over and over again but it always came back to mind. So I decided I'll try to talk to Aiden when the time comes, and not think about it anymore till then.

It helped some, I was able to put my mind at ease from the situation and relax on my days off. We weren't granted many, and I didn't want to waste them thinking about ridiculous things that didn't involve me beside the whole check thing.

In those two days, the clouds had blessed the city with a beautiful blanket of snow. It covered everything in sight with the nimble flutter of flakes. I and a few girlfriends from work went out to get our nails and toes done in honor of the season's arrival. We all went to a spa as well, got massages, and for the time being I was able to put all that behind me until finally, I had to go back to work.

I went in twenty minutes early like usual and headed straight to my dressing room to get changed. Luckily that didn't take too long so after I tied my blonde hair up in a high ponytail and then exited the room where I found the usual guard waiting.

"Good evening, can I get you a drink?"

"Don't worry James, I'll get it," He nodded, stepping aside to make it easier to pass and heading over to the bar. But instead of seeing Aiden, I see a different man.

"Hi, is Aiden working today?" I asked the unfamiliar man.

His bright green eyes flickered into every inch of my body they could find, but lingering a little too long on my chest.

"No sugar, he's off today, need a drink?" He swallowed thickly, adam's apple bobbing a few times before a sly smirk made him seem more deceitful than he looked. It was hidden deep behind his looks. The strong cheekbones, slightly curly blond hair, and on the more slim muscular side unlike most of the guys in this place that muscles on muscles.

"Just wine, please." With a brief nod he turned, and I spotted a bold tattoo on the back of his neck. It was one of a snake wrapped in roses, all being black and white besides the roses which were vivid red outlines in black. The tattoo was popular among the guards I had seen, and I'd even seen it on Aiden. Maybe it was something along the men of this place. A crest of some sort.

"Here," He slid the glass over to me gently as to not spill or accidentally break it. "I'm Leo by the way,"

"Reyna," He casually leaned over the counter, sending me a grin. The way the glitters in his eyes gave me this uneasy feeling; from his body language he radiated arrogance, cockiness - I despised it.

I despised how he looked at me.

Like I was some piece of meat.


Saturday was our second most packed day yet it seemed more packed than usual. Friday is usually our most packed day with men coming from work to celebrate the weekend coming but there was always quite the crowd on Saturdays as well. But this was different.

A lot of the men in here watching the dancers didn't look how the guys come in would. These looked scary, buff, daring anyone to come close with a simple look; while our usual crowd immediately gets drunk and starts trying to get touchy. These seemed to know the rules well, but it didn't settle well with me. Something was definitely wrong. I could feel it within my gut.

A lot of these said men seemed to crowd my stage, but when I looked to security they seemed to not mind yet were keeping a close eye.

I nervously tried to carry along with my dance but just with the way they were staring at me...it was weird is all I can say.

But there was one, in particular, that had my stomach twisting and turning, a shiver down my back. I found myself stealing glances at the man every once in a while as he seemed to be the one in control. Ordering men to go to different places or do different things.

He stood as if he was ready to rip someone's throat out; a cigarette laid nonchalantly between two ringed fingers. Its insides burning away and dissipating into thin air. From what I'm guessing, his drink laid beside him on the counter of the bar in a small whiskey glass.

I turned away before he could look my way. Whatever was going on today with all these men, I didn't want to know. Something in my gut tells me it's bad - very bad.


Another early update since I finished with chapter eight <3 tempted to publish everything but I'm afraid of getting stumped with writers blocked. If I get to chapter ten quickly I'll double update this week!

Comment your thoughts!

Also I know it's short but they'll get longer!

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