𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒

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Warning: mentions of rape and drugs

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Warning: mentions of rape and drugs

The peaceful look of her face was one that brought me relief among seeing her wrapped in Lucas' arms. The sweatshirt she wore of mine practically buried her but she seemed relieved for the first time that I've seen her.

Her blonde locks were slightly messy, a few loose strands scattered across her forehead which Lucas brushed back. She nuzzled into him, fists squeezing his shirt before loosening again. The colored lights from the TV flashed along her face, lighting up the room as the dark night sky settled over the city.

I couldn't help but stare, for my eyes to roam her.

"È quasi arrivato." I spoke softly, looking down at her. Her eyelashes brushed against her blemished cheeks, the remnants of a bruise that was almost gone still noticeable. "Dobbiamo andare presto." My eyes met with his for a split second before both of ours went back down to the girl who we were doing this for. [Hes almost there. We need to go soon.]

I don't think I would've imagined doing this. Maybelater in the future, but I didn't have the idea of settling down yet, even though being thirty-four. I knew I would soon, but maybe not yet. But looking at her I don't think I could give her up. I couldn't imagine another man even touching her, hugging her, kissing her. It made me livid just thinking about what that cunt did to her.

A trusted associate of all people.

The thought of his hands on her, touching her, beating her to a pulp.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on him.

"Lo so." He spoke quietly, stroking her hair and placing a kiss on her forehead before slowly slipping away from her. His arm that was curled around her pulled out gently to not disturb her. [I know].

I sighed as I waited on my brother to get ready, whipping out my phone and see a few different messages from Gio, Ven and Leo. Along with a few other associates informing me of a few cartels coming in soon.

Gio's was the usual, informing me of a few shipments that came in while Ven was confirming the new change of plans I had set in place to have my time with Leo.

While his, his were telling me he had arrived.

"Sbrigati, cazzo," I growled out towards the bathroom, hearing his muttered curses towards me but ignored them. [Hurry the fuck up].

"Zitto cazzo," He snapped as he exited the bathroom with a new outfit, stuffing a pair of black leather gloves in his jacket pocket. "Andiamo." He muttered gruffly and passed me out the bedroom. I gave a lasting glance towards Reyna, seeing her now on her side, eyes fluttered shut to hide her green orbs. Her plump, pink lips were parted ever so slightly, soft breaths coming and going. [Shut the fuck up and lets go]

I sighed, turning and shutting the door gently behind me.


My hands slipped into thr pockets of my slacks, locking my car and staring through the window of the dimmed bar inside. I saw him, sitting on a bar stool on his phone with a drink in hand. I glanced to Lucas who did the same, anunsettling smile stretching over his face as I'm sure he imagined everything he would ever do to the man behind it all.

"Ready?" He nodded and we proceeded to walk in.

Leo looked up as he did, giving a grin and dapping us both up. "So," he started, taking a sip of whatever he was drinking. "What did you need? I was kind of confused that you pulled me out of going with Ven," he chuckled, swirling his drink aeound in the small glass. The amber liquid spun in the glass which he looked down at before switching his eyes back and forth between the two of us.

"We just wanted to talk about a few things," Lucas started and I could tell he couldn't supress a grin of his own. He slowly walked around Leo, to the bar where he grabbed a glass of bourbon. "About?" Asked Leo.

The corners of my lips turned up so slightly it was barely noticeable. "Reyna," I spoke smoothly, watching closely to his reaction and I saw his grin falter into a tight smile that was very much exaggerated.

"Oh," He chuckled nervously, running a hand through the tiny bit of stubble he grew. "Look, if this is about how we hooked up not long ago, I didn't know you two were interested. But frankly, it seems like me and her could really go somewhere."

Lucas' condescending eyes turned to me as a sarcastic smile stretched his lips. I gritted my teeth, "Oh really?" I approached a bit closer.

"Yeah," he smiled, taking another sip. I knew he was nervous. The eay he shifted slightly, his sips coming faster as well. He couldn't sit still; his fingers tapping lightly along the glass and his eyes shifted back and forth.

"You see Leo," Lucas spoke again, "That's not what it looks like." He chuckled.

"Because when I came and got her yesterday, she wanted to be everywhere but near you. So desperately too," Leo's adams apple bobbed up and down as he turned towards my brother who now leaned over the counter, finishing the rest of his drink while his eyes stayed fixated on him, daring him to look away from him.

"She was drunk off her ass, she didn't know what she wanted." His voice mixed with irritation and nervousness, his tone getting more defensive by the second.

"Just like she didn't know what she wanted when you drugged and raped her?" I spoke bluntly, now looking down at the pathetic excuse of a man with hard eyes and my grin was gone.

He choked some and laughed, "What?! What are you talking about? Is that what she told you-" He suddenly stood up and came right up to me.

"You better back the fuck up." I snapped, not moving, not even my hands that still rested in my pockets.

"Or what Vincent? You've known me for years and you're gonna believe that little whore's side?!" My jaw ticked, and before I knew it he was on the ground unconscious with a dull pain filling my fist.

Lucas sighed, stepping over his body and digging through his pocket before pulling out his phone. "I'll get this to our tech," I nodded, staring down at the motherfucker.

"I'm going to call Asher," Lucas stopped and looked over to me, cocking an eyebrow.

"Asher?" I nodded, watching a smile play along his lips. "That'll be interesting." He chuckled and continued to walk away.

"Call a few to help us." I paused for a moment, "And call Aiden too. Update him about Leo and Reyna." I heard him mutter an okay before the door closed, leaving the club empty and quiet. I looked down at his pathetic self, stepping over him as if he was diseased and going around to the bar, pouring myself a drink, and calling Asher.

It wasn't long till Lucas showed back up with a few of our men with him. They took one look at Leo, but didn't ask any questions. Instead, they picked him up and began carrying him towards the back and up the stairs. Lucas followed, but I waited patiently in the stool at the bar for Asher. I went back and forth from my drink, to my phone where I flipped through my house cameras to make sure Reyna was okay.

It was the tsk of a man was what caught my attention finally. I looked up, seeing the man dressed in his usual attire which involved jeans, a leather jacket and a white quarter button-up. "Vincent, È passato un po 'di tempo." He spoke with a smirk in our native language. I took note of the briefcase in his hand and smile, walking up to greet him with a handshake. [It's been awhile].

"Sorry for the sudden call," He just shook his head, dismissing the comment. I stared blankly as he walked to the bar and opened his case.

"Benzos, betels, syringes, assortment of drugs just as you asked...who's your culprit?"


Early update bc I love you guys so much <3

Also I finally published a few one shots so please check those out! More to come soon.

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