𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖳𝗐𝗈

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My eyes gently cracked open - not due to the sunlight because there was none

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My eyes gently cracked open - not due to the sunlight because there was none. Just dim lighting with an occasional flicker.

My body radiated with pain, causing me to whimper as it was near unbearable. My face ached and my ribs told me I could barely move without it feeling like they were going to shatter into a million pieces.

My eyes adjusted from their sleepy state, looking around the room only to see concrete walls, pipes, and things hanging out of ceilings. Wherever I was looked old, run-down.


I furrowed my brows as I looked around, then down onto the mattress I laid on with my hands tied behind my back.

But that wasn't what startled me the most. It was the lingerie, the red lingerie I was dressed in.

What the- I struggled to get my hands out of the bonds that hold them together, but with each struggle, pain would shoot up my ribs and have me curling up and nearly crying.

"Hello there, sleepy head," A voice came and my head shot up at the familiarity.

Green eyes bore into my own as I stared shocked. "I-I thought..."

"You thought I was still down in that basement where you can break my hand again? Nah, that wasn't too hard to get out of," A sinister smile crept up his lips as he leaned off the wall and walked towards me, causing me to try and scurry back as all I could see when I saw him...

Was that night. All over again.

The thoughts came rushing back, the fear came rushing back in rapid thoughts that spun around my brain and back to the darkest thoughts of my mind.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I nearly screamed in my broken voice. His eyes went down to slits as he stared at me and stopped.

"Am I seriously that bad Reyna? That bad you have to go around spreading lies and acting as if I'm the plague—"

"You RAPED me! You blackmailed me, you drugged me!"

"Is that what the brothers told you? That I slipped something in your drink? Tell me, Reyna, how would they even know? Were they there? No." He tsked, rolling his eyes and coming closer until taking his place on the end of the bed which I scurried away from as far back as I could.

"I-I know what happened. It's not just them telling me, it's what fucking happened."

From the deep breaths, I had to take to calm myself down came an ache of pain within my ribs. I had to suppress a whimper — I would never let him see me in pain again. I'd never let him have that advantage.

"You were drunk, you came onto me, how could I say no?" He chuckled, reaching his hand up to my face which I turned away from.

But I felt it. The disgusting graze of his fingertips down my throat and I fucking hated myself for letting a tear escape and for him to see it.

"You're fucking ridiculous," I gritted out, feeling my anger rise more and more by the minute, not even looking at him. "Why're you doing this?"

Another smile crept over his lips as he stared at me for a moment before standing up off the bed and tucking the non-broken hand into his pocket. "Just a little experiment,"

A knock came at the old wooden door across the room, and an older man emerged into the room with a blank look, his eyes going from me to the bastard near me.

"Everything is ready," the man spoke in a deep, gravelly voice.

"Good," Leo said, glancing back towards me and smiling once more.

He came back towards me, and I glared at him all the while he flipped open a pocket knife. My breath hitched and I watched the hand closely.

"Might as well walk you through what's gonna happen right? You'll be dead by the end of it anyway," he sighed, looking over the blade then back down towards me.

"You see," I squeezed my eyes closed as I felt the steel against my cheek, slowly but surely trailing down my jawline. "There are propane tanks all over this building. One wrong shot," It glided down my throat causing me to shiver.

"This place goes boom." He smiled at the way I squirmed beneath him, at the way tears wouldn't stop pouring from my eyes at just the feeling of him being so close, let alone his touch or the knife caressing my skin.

I sucked in a deep breath as he trailed it down my chest and soon between my breasts, stopping there and I bit down on my lip as hard as I could.

"So when your knights in shining armor come, what do you think will happen when they come in guns blazing?" He chuckled again.

But this time I smiled, smiled as I watched his slowly drop.

"Are you actually that stupid?" I laughed but grimaced at the pain in my ribs. "You really think they're gonna come in here like a bunch of idiots?" I looked around him to the older man who just observed us and that's when it clicked.

"You're their uncle," I said softly but enough for him to hear me and smirk.

With an irritated sigh, Leo got off me as the man came over to me.

"I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Lovelace," he smiled sinisterly, "As I'm sure you have me, as well,"

"I've heard enough," I near snarled, only to feel a harsh smack across my cheek and I gasped.

"Women should never give a man such a look," he growled out, and looking over to Leo I saw his disgusting and disgraceful smirk.

"You are right about one thing, Reyna," Leo handed the man his knife, and before I knew it a handful of my hair was lodged in his fist, and the knife was to my throat.

"My nephews aren't stupid. They're smart, cunning, and they will most likely kill me tonight." I whimpered as the knife dug in and knicked my throat. I heard a click of a camera, and the sound of a message being sent.

"But to me, what's more satisfying than killing them myself," he let go of my hair and my body dropped back onto the bed with a painful grimace.

"Is watching from hell as they torment themselves every day, with how they couldn't save you."

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