It's A Bad Idea

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Bucky was never around kids much growing up. Of course he remembers when Rebecca was a baby but he was so young that he doesn't remember when Babies are supposed to learn what things.

However, Lizzie has studied child development and she panics when the twins start crawling when they are just 4 months old.

Lizzie is sitting on the couch reading while the twins roll around on the carpet. JJ flips on his stomach and looks at Lizzie and crawls right over to her. When he reaches her he pulls on her pants and she looks down in shock.

Bucky is in the kitchen when he hears a sharp gasp and runs into the living room. When he enters, Lizzie is ghost white. JJ is crying because Lizzie won't pick him up which causes Steven to cry as well but Lizzie is frozen in shock.

Bucky is surprised that Lizzie is just letting him cry. She usually comes running at the first sound they make to try to soothe them but she is currently not making a move to comfort them.

Bucky walks over and picks up JJ and begins rocking him. When JJ stops crying, so does Steven. Bucky walks over to Lizzie and kneels in front of her with JJ still in his arms.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" He asks.

"JJ crawled," she says flatly.

Bucky is sad that he missed that milestone. It should be a really exciting moment but Lizzie looks terrified.

"Isn't that a good thing? Doll, you're shaking," he says in concern.

"Babies don't crawl until they are nine to ten months old. The earliest I've heard of is six or seven months and that's an anomaly in itself. Crawling at four months old is an impossibility. They shouldn't have the strength or motor skills to do anything more than roll over," Lizzie explains.

Now Bucky understands her panicking. If JJ is crawling this early, it's not normal, not in the slightest. Both parents stare at each other in alarm. They are both so preoccupied that they don't notice Steven crawling over to them. He goes over to Lizzie and reaches his hands up for her to hold him. She scoops him up and holds her close to her chest.

"What do we do?" Bucky asks urgently.

"Nothing we can do. We just have to accept that the boys are special. We should probably give a heads up to Peggy and Steve because I'm sure they'll be facing the same thing," Lizzie says.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie," he says.

Her head snaps over to him at the apology.

"Why are you sorry?" She asks in surprise.

"I'm the reason they'll never be normal. The reason that they will always be in danger. They will never have a normal life now. They deserve more than a father they can never talk about that gave them freaky abilities," he says.

Bucky looks down at JJ in his arms and can't help the guilt that washes up. He loves his sons so much and he wants them to be happy. He leans down and presses his lips against the top of JJ's head and takes in his calming scent.

"Love, we still don't know what this is. We don't know what the extent of this is yet. I was just surprised is all. If they do end up being special, then that's perfectly fine. They are still our boys, mine and yours. I am so glad they have you as a father because you have been through so much and come out of it stronger. They may have to live a different life than other kids but we will make sure it's a happy one," she says.

His wife always sees the best in every situation. He used to be the same way when he was younger but now he was different. He worried before he came back about if he changed too much for her. However, she took the dark parts of him and loved them too. He knows that she'll love their children the same way.

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