Living With Ghosts

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Lizzie was feeling horribly guilty as she watched her children playing on the playground.

Her and Bucky had started to to talk about trying to get them some time with kids other than each other and Sarah. It was still likely that they would homeschool the kids because they still didn't know how they would develop so they wanted them to have some interaction with kids their age.

Bucky suggested that she take them to the park. She could tell he wished he could go with her but he knew he couldn't. He hasn't left the house since he left when she was pregnant with the twins. They went camping which is the closest he's gotten to an escape.

She wishes he could have come with her but they both know how risky it is for him to be seen. They know that there are hydra spies everywhere and it takes one slip up for everything to fall apart.

She was actually surprised that he encouraged her to leave the house today. Ever since she started showing, Bucky has been more and more overbearing. He never strays far from her side and he has been more than a little affectionate.

She knows all of it will be worse when he can feel the baby kick. She has been feeling it for a couple weeks and Bucky is getting frustrated that he can't feel her yet. Whenever he can, his hand is resting on her stomach because he doesn't want to miss it.

She took some time off from work so she could spend some much needed time with her family and she is so glad she did it. She misses her work a lot but she is so glad she has this time to be with her sons and reconnect with Bucky. She doesn't think their marriage has ever been as strong as it currently is.

The twins are currently eighteen months old but they look like they are two and a half years old. Mentally, they have the abilities of a three year old. That was part of the reason why they couldn't put them in school. They were so different from other kids that they wouldn't be able to explain why the twins are so special.


Lizzie turns and sees none other than Rebecca Barnes.

The last time she saw her the conversation didn't go pleasantly. It seems that Rebecca can see the trepidation on her face so she is quick to speak.

"I've been hoping to run into you. After we talked last time, I felt awful. I tried to go to your apartment in Brooklyn to apologize but you had already moved. I was just horrible the last time I saw you. I know how much you loved my brother and how much he loved you. I think I was still a little hurt how you pushed me away after James died and seeing the ring didn't make it any better. I never let you explain why you wear his ring and that wasn't fair. I've known you since I was a young girl and I know that you are one of the kindest people I've ever met so I'm sorry," Rebecca says.

Lizzie doesn't know how to respond. She never blamed Rebecca for her reaction because her assumptions were reasonable. She couldn't defend herself and still can't.

"It's okay Rebecca. I understood why you reacted the way that you did. Are you here with your kids?" Lizzie asks.

It's been so long since she's seen Charles and she never got to meet Rebecca's other children. She guesses that they technically her nieces and nephews.

"Actually, this is my day away from the kids and husband and by day, I mean three hours. I decided to take a walk through the park and just happened to see you. Are you here with your kids? I didn't think you had any children the last time we talked," Rebecca says.

Lizzie places her hand on her stomach absentmindedly, bringing Rebecca's attention to her midsection.

"Oh, you're pregnant," Rebecca says.

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