I cant swim.

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"Do you have a pool?" Severus asks.

"Uhm no but we have a lake." I say looking at him then to Naricssa then back to him. " but she cant swim. We found that out the hard way. " Narcissa says with a chuckle causing me to chuckle. "Where is it?" He asks. "The lake?" I asks. "Yes" he says. "It's on the other side of the house" I groan starting to dramatically walking away causing them all to chuckle a bit. "Why the hell does he want me to go in the lake?" I whisper to draco. "I have no idea" he whispers back. I let out a small chuckle. "Hey and by the way I'm really sorry about earlier. And if your making my mum happy then I'm okay with the relationship." He says. I look at him then to a smiling Narcissa who is looking at me then back to him. "Thank you draco. Really I appreciate it" I tell him with a genuine smile. "Of course but does this mean we can't shower together anymore?" He asks pouting. "You literally have a boyfriend and your worried about not being able to shower with me?" I ask with a laugh. "What I'm just curious" he says shrugging his shoulders. Narcissa and Harry obviously heard our conversation and stopped walking to stare darts at us. Me and draco just look at each other then to them and say, "what?" With a confused look. "You two can no longer have any intimacy" Narcissa says with a dark look. "But-" draco say but gets cut off by Harry. "No. More. Understood Malfoy??" He says crossing his arms over his chest. We just look at each other and continue walking.

After a while we make it to the dock by the lake. "Okay what would you like me to do?" I ask Severus. "Well to start you may want to take you hair out of your braids?" He says. I give him a confusing look but do as I'm told and let down my hair. "How deep is it?" He asks. "About 150 feet give or take" I tell him. "Alright now let's just...." He says and then without warning pushes me into the water. I feel myself being devoured by the water with all the oxygen in my body quickly leaving.

Narcissa's pov...

"Alright let's just...." Severus says then pushes knightly into the water. "SNAPE SHE CANT SWIM!" Draco yells trying to jump in the water. "Just. Wait." Severus says pulling him back.  "Severus are you sure about this? Bellatrix asks. At this point I'm getting worried because the love of my life is literally drowning and we're not helping her. "I need you all to trust me" he says calmly and not taking his gaze off of the lake.

Knightly's POV...

I feel myself slowly sinking and the surface getting further and further away. I feel as though all hope is lost and I'm done for when I breath in I'm expecting water to fill up my lungs but instead I'm breathing. 'What the hell?' I think to myself. I'm about to try and swim up when something down further catches my eye. 'What is that?' I think to myself once again. I decide to swim down and get it. After about a minute or two of swimming I get to the shining thing I soon realize that is a necklace. I grab the necklace but it's connected to something heavy. I pull it more to the point where I thought it broke but it pulled up a box. A box lined with gold and silver plates and the Phoenix family crescent on it. 'Woah' I think and I decide it's about time to swim back up considering that everyone is most likely worried. I start to swim up when I feel like I'm starting to loose air again. I imagine the box sending its self up and flying up onto the dock and it does just that. I am now alone in the water. I try and swim as best as I can considering I really don't know how. I eventually make it to the dock and put my hands on the edge and pull my self up and sit on the edge. "Oh thank Merlin your okay!" Narcissa says hugging me. "That was hot" she whispers in my ear referring to me coming up out of the water. I smirk at her remark and stand up. "What is this?" Draco asks holding the box. "I was wondering the same thing." I say taking it from him and investigating the outside of the box.  I stop looking at it and turn to Severus. I hit him on the shoulder as hard as I can. "How dare you! You knew I couldn't swim! You idiot!" I say hitting his shoulder again. "You deserved that" Bellatrix whispers in his ear  "hey you could breath right?" He asks. "Only when I got to a certain depth then when I got closer to the surface I couldn't breath again" I say looking at him. "Curious" he says. "Uh okay well can we go home now?" I ask. "Home? You are at home i thought?" Harry says. "This was never my home Harry. Malfoy manor is my real home. With my real family. Not my fake abusive family" I say staring at the house. Narcissa wraps an arm around me and rests her head on my shoulder. I lay my head on hers and smile. "So are we going or?" Bellatrix asks. We all laugh a bit and all head home.


"I'm going to take a shower." I say once we walk in the Manor. They all nod and I head up to my room. After a take a nice hot shower I wrap the towel around my body with my hair dripping a bit. I walk out into my room with someone on my bed. "Took you long enough" Narcissa says sitting on my bed with a book. "What I was in a disgusting lake for thirty minutes" I say sitting next to her and putting lotion on my legs. "Can't relate" she says with a chuckle. I just give her a look then a small laugh.  Then there is a knock at the door. "Come in" I say softly. Bellatrix walks in and plops face down on my bed. "Hello to you too" I say standing up and grabbing a black silk night gown. I quickly put it on so Bella didn't see anything not that I would have cared. I did however notice Narcissa cross her legs and bit her lip. I just shake my head and walk back over to my bed. "What's wrong bella?" I ask and she turns her head up to look at me and cissa. I push a strand of hair out of her face and put it behind her ear.

"I'm fucked"

AN heyyyyyyy so I promise the next chapter will have smut lol

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