The box

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Narcissa Pov

I walk up to our room to check back up on knightly. I open the door and she is sleeping peacefully on the bed still. I walk over to her and softly sit next to her stroking her hair. "Hey baby" I whisper as she opens her eyes. "Hello love" she says with her morning voice. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" I ask. She just shakes her head. "Okay well I'm going to go make sure Bella is okay and everyone else know that your okay" I say kissing her lips softly and walking out of the room.

Knightly POV.

As soon as Narcissa leaves I start crying again. I start thinking of my bad habits from the past. I contemplate doing it for a couple minutes then decide to go to the bathroom and look for my razor. I find it I hold it up to my face and stare at it. 'You deserve this' I hear my fathers voice in my head. In a quick pace the razor goes from my face to my wrists but before I can cut myself I hear another voice. 'The box! Look in the box!' I get this feeling of curiosity rush over me and I put down the razor. "The box?" I think aloud to myself. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my dresser where the box is at. I pick it up and try to open it but It won't budge. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself. 'Powers. Use your powers!' I hear the voice say once more. "I'm going to need Severus for this" I say to myself. Before I go get Severus I decide to quickly change into something more appropriate. I change into

I grab the box and head down to everyone

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I grab the box and head down to everyone.

I slowly walk in the room sorta peaking in to see who's all in there. "Hey Severus?" I say almost in a whisper. "Yes?" He asks turning to me. "I need your help. If you don't mind." I say kind of nervous. "Is everything alright?" Narcissa asks. I just nod my head and walk out of the room with Severus not far behind me. "Are you aright that was quite a fall" he say walking with me outside. "Yes. I'm okay" I say not looking at him. Once we reach the backyard I turn to him. "Okay I'm going to be brutally honest with you." I say and he nods his head. I take a deep breath and sit down on the bench which he follows. "Okay well after Narcissa came to check it on me I stated crying again. I started to think of my bad habits from the past which consisted of self harm. I almost did it Severus. I almost cut myself but something- someone stopped me" I say looking at him. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Right before the razor touched my skin a voice said 'look in the box'" I say looking down at the box in my hands. "I then got this overwhelming feeling of curiosity from this voice and went to the box. I tried opening it but nothing worked. Then the voices came once again but this time it said, ' use your powers' and now here we are" I say letting a tear fall. "And what do you need me for?" He asks wiping my tear. "I don't know what to do. Thought you could help?" I ask. "Of course I can. Let's get started." He says standing up and reaching for my hand which I give him and we think of what I can do to open this box.

About 20 minutes later...

"Okay well do you want to try focusing on the box and making it open with your mind?" He asks. " we've already tried that. Twice!" I say now annoyed. "Yes we have but this time really mean it!" He says. "What do you mean? I have been meaning it!" I say. "No just- mean it. Have the intention to have it pop open. Really really intent on that box opening!" He says. I let out a sigh and take a deep breath. "I intent on this box opening" I say aloud and repeat about five time before something happens. A loud pop almost the sound of lighting hitting a tree goes off and a ton of smoke appears from the box.

"What the hell was that?" I hear Bellatrix say and notice her with everyone coming out to find the source of the noise. "Knightly are you okay?" Narcissa says coming up to me and hugging me. "Yes I am" I say keeping my eyes on the box and waking aways from her which makes me feel kinda bad but I continue anyway. Once I reach the box I am shocked.

AN- heyyyyy guysssss I know this is short and it's a clif hanger. Anyway I hope you liked it and I promise I won't keep you all in agony for too long.

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