Christmas Eve Part 1

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I awake in the living room. ''This isn't where I fell asleep..' I get up and walk through the big doors exiting the room. 'Cissa?' I call out.

No reply.

'Narcissa?' I call again.

Still no reply.




Dead. Silence.

I walk down the lightly dimmed halls

'Somethings off..'

I walk into the dining room and see a familiar face, a way too familiar face..

'Everette.. Tom..'

I sit up in bed shaking, sweating and shivering all at the same time. "Hey hey what's wrong?" Narcissa asks walking into the room. I just look at her and break down crying. "C-Cissa.." I sob as she holds me. She rubs my back as I just cry out. "Let it out darling.. it's okay I'm here.. you're safe.." she says over and over. I cry for what feels like hours but really was just a few minutes. At a certain point bella came in the room, curious to what the commotion was. "I- I'm sorry for waking you.." I say wiping my tears and catching my breath. "Oh shush.. I was up anyway." Bella says sitting next to us. "So what happened..?" She questions. "Nightmare?" Narcissa asks me. I just shrug. "It wasn't scary.. well not terribly frightening but also not good.." I say looking down at my hands, playing with my fingers. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. "I will.. but not right now." I look up at them, "what's the time?" I ask. "Almost 5.." Bella says. "Goodness it's early.. I'm so sorry.." I say tearing up, "honey stop crying.. please don't worry we were both up already" Cissa says hugging me and I sigh. "Fuck.." I quickly get up and run to the bathroom, immediately kneeling down and throwing up into the toilet. Narcissa and Bella rush into the bathroom and Cissa quickly kneels beside me and pulls my hair back. "Let it out.." she says rubbing my back. After a moment I lean against the wall. "My head hurts.." I groan, hiding my head in my knees. "Are you.." Bella starts. "Don't. Even. Say it." I say closing my eyes. "Bella.." Cissa says getting up and walking Bella into our room to talk to her while I sit there and slowly fall asleep.

Naricssa Pov

"Bella.. look.. knightly-" Bella cuts me off, "oh I know, but we're magical, anything is possible." She shrugs and walks out of the room. "I-.." I look into the bathroom, noticing in the mirror that knightly has fallen asleep. "Damnit.." I walk into the bathroom and pick her up gently, walking over to the bed and setting her down, pulling the blankets over her and kissing her head, grabbing my wand and doing a simple spell so she dreams of us dancing in the rain. I smile softly to myself and quietly leaving the room and going to the library.

Knightly POV

I wake up with Narcissa not by my side, I sigh and get up, brushing my teeth and brushing out my hair, taking a quick shower and then getting ready for the day. I put on black leggings with a lose cream sweater, my gold necklace and pulling my hair back into a low bun, doing a light subtle makeup look and walking out of my bedroom in search of Narcissa and breakfast. I walk into the dining room, "nice of you to join us" Draco says pointing to the time. I'm confused until I realize it's one in the after noon. I look down, "sorry.." I walk and grab a glass of water, then leaving the room. On my way to the library I run into Bellatrix. "Hello darling, feeling any better?" She ask looking at me. I nod and continue on my way to the library.

Bella pov

"Odd.." I mumble to myself after knightly walks away. I shrug it off and head to the kitchen for the twins bottles. "Hello dear" I say to draco. "Have you talked to knightly today at all?" I ask him. "Uh yeah she came in here not too long ago" he says looking back at me. "Did she eat anything?" I ask him. "Nope just grabbed some water" he says getting up and walking out of the room. "Oh.. alright.." I bite my lip and grab the bottles, walking to the living room. "Cissy?" I say sitting next to her. "Hm?" She responds, setting her book down and looking at me. "Draco says that knightly came into the kitchen and only got some water then left" I tell her. "Oh.. strange.. she didn't eat?" She asks me. "Apparently not.." I say looking at the twins then to Narcissa. "I'm worried about her.. we need to know what her nightmare was about" I say in a serious tone. "You're right.. but I'm not going to invade my fiancé's mind without her permission" she says. "Well if you were confident enough to put a dream into her mind this morning, it's the same thing to take a recollection of the nightmare out of her mind" I reason. "It's the same thing.." I add on. She looks at me for a moment. "I will think about it.." she says opening her book again.

Knightly POV

I wake up a while later in the library after having another nightmare,  'I fell asleep..' I think to myself, getting up and putting my book away on the shelf. I sigh and walk out of the room, bumping into Severus. "Sorry.." I rub my eyes and walk past him into the kitchen. I get a glass of water and take a sip, 'wake up..' I tell myself and splash water on my face. I take a deep breath and walk outside. "Hey stranger" cissy says to me. I look over and see her sitting on a bench. "Hi honey.." I smile faintly and sit down next to her. "Aren't you cold?" She asks putting her arms around me. I just shrug and rest my head on her shoulder. I start to tear up as I think of everything that's going
On in my life at the moment.

The nightmares..

Losing my future family..

Being scared of getting taken..

Terrified of the unknown..

"Honey.." cissy looks at me. I start bawling my eyes out and hyperventilating into her chest. "Let it out.." she says rubbing my back. "I- I am so scared.." I say through sobs. "I won't let them hurt you." She says looking at me with a reassuring look. I shake my head, "you don't know that.." I say quietly. "Yes. I do." She says kissing my head.

"Knightly." We both turn our heads.


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