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IM BACK BITCHES (you probably didn't miss but you should have <3)

I wake up on the couch with Narcissa gone and the fire pit with just a few ember's lighting up. I groan and block the sunlight from my eyes. I wave my hand and close the curtains. "Still not a morning person hmm?" Draco says walking in and sitting on top of my legs. (Not that like you weirdo) "get off of me you arse" I say getting up and walking away. "Morning to you too!" He says. "Whatever" I say and turn the corner bumping into Severus. "Sorry" I say. "You alright? Something on your mind?" He asks. "Nope" I say. Okay I lied but it's not important. "Okay if you ever need to talk I'm here" he says. "Thanks" I say and walk around another corner and up the stairs to my room to get ready. I walk into my room and Narcissa is putting on earrings and fixing her lipstick. I just stand there in the doorway and smile. 'She's perfect' I think. "Thank you baby" she says Turing to me. "I hate when you do that!" I say sitting on the bed. "But I love it" she says walking over to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Where are you going all dressed up?" I ask. "Shopping, Christmas shopping to be exact. Will Bella and we're taking the babies out with us." She says grabbing her purse. "Have fun. Be safe." I say. "Something on your mind?" She asks. "No! I'm fine!" I snap. "Sorry I just had a bad dream. And no I don't want to talk about it." I say. "Okay I'll see you later darling" she says giving me a look. "Okay" I say and she leaves. I fall back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. 'I hate my life right now. Okay I don't hate it I'm just having a bad week. And thats okay. Right?' I think but I feel someone trying to get in my head. "SEVERUS!" I shout. "NOT SORRY" he shouts back and I chuckle.


"Hey Draco?" I say walking in his room. "Oh" I say when I realize he's not there. I look in the library. Nope. Backyard? Nope. Kitchen? Nope. Living room?  Nope. Must be with Harry or something. "Severus?" I say as I walk into his bedroom where he's reading a book. "Yes?" He says. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Reading a book?" He says. "Right I knew that." I say about to leave. "What's on your mind knightly?" He asks and I sigh. "Can I talk to you about a dream I had- well a nightmare?" I ask with hesitation. " I'm listening " he says.

AN- is this a short shitty chapter? Yes. Am I mad about it? Yes. Am I going to make a long update. Also yes. Am I writing a Aunt May X Reader book called My Best Friends Aunt. Yes? Is the title similar to this book? Also yes. Should you check it out and add it to your library? YES!

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