Introduction to charecters

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Vansh Raisinghania: A handsome guy from a rich family with a playfull attitude. He is a crush of most of the girls in college. A brilliant basketball player and also good in studies.

Kabir Raisinghania: Also a handsome guy. Cousin brother of Vansh and 5 months younger than him. He is an absolute flirt. Though not really good in studies, he is good in extra curricular activities.

(Both the brothers share a beautiful bond with each other and are more like beat friends.)

Riddhima Vatsal: A beautiful girl inside out, sweet and humble. She has been the topper of her school but she is not a nerd. She is a the cultural secretary of the college. Best friend of Sejal.

Sejal Mehta: A beautiful and sweet girl. She is the best friend of Riddhima. She is the sports secretary of college. Also pretty good in studies.

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