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Third Person's POV

              When Hinata woke up because of the commotion he made a big mistake that lead the group guys outside his door to make an even bigger fuss. Hinata was listening to every apology they spit out while mouth was covered.

       The banging on the door was even louder than before that it made him flinch in every sound. His body trembled in fear and pity for the people outside. He wants to say something to them but his mouth was being blocked not because of those big hands that's covering them but instead of a weird lump on his throat.

      He pities them,he wants to open the door and tell them that they were forgiven. He wants to hug them again and feel their warmth against his cold body but he was stopped. He closed his hands tightly,the veins were pulsating on his arms,the way he bit his lip to stop himself from saying another word was hard for him.

         Every whine and apologies they say are heard by him. Hinata wants to open the door and hug them,telling them they're forgiven but the decision he made was all because of this.

           Not everything in this world can be fixed by a simple apology and not every person in this world is forgiving,just like Hinata. He plans to ignore everyone like they did to him,he wants to forget them as soon as possible.

        He wants them to feel hurt the same feeling that he felt for the past six months of his miserable life,the pain,loneliness,suffering,and longing that he felt. Hinata wants them to feel the unquestionably feeling that can't be solved with a simple sorry that he felt.

          His cries was even louder and intense now because of him imagining the future without his friends. The three of his friends that was with get comforted his very being with all their abilities can do.

           The other guy was the one covering his mouth and caressing his hair softly with his other hand,the vice captain of the basketball girls gave him a tight and warm hug,patting his back gently and shushing him with her sweet voice. The other person blocked his ear from hearing the loud voices outside so that all he could hear now are the muffled voices.
          The hard decision that he made was this,his decision was to forget about them,to ignore them as soon as possible. His thought was all in rumble because of the fuss outside.

        All he can do is cry and tremble while thinking of his future without his friends. Thinking of how he should move on in his life,how to get away from the hurtful feeling that he's experiencing right now.

         He just wants to run away as far as he can,far enough that the feelings that's chasing him would never be able to catch him. He wants to runaway from the pain,the sadness, loneliness,suffering and longing.

        But no matter how far he is,no matter how much he tries to stiffen his heart and act as coldly as he can to himself nothing was able to stop the feelings that were taunting and tormenting him to catch up to him.

         It took more than a couple of few more minutes to make him stop crying and the voices outside were being tone down a bit. They heard the voice of Hinata's caretaker,Shindo-kun, telling the bunch of guys outside to leave that instant. But the way they disagreed were heard inside that room.

        No matter what the athletes say or act are all being taken care of Shindo-kun,he always stops them from attempting to open the door of his student. Shindo-kun is not the type of person to entertain that kind of behavior against  him.

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