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Hinata's POV

         Today's the day that all of us will meet again after such a long time that I've been ignoring each and one of them.

      After of the chasing and avoiding that we've been doing, we're finally at this situation on where will be talking with each other again.

      It's already 4:00 in the afternoon and I told them that they can go here at 7:00 pm or earlier,if they want.

       There still more than 2 hours left,I already feel so nervous and my mother has been cooking different dishes since earlier when I told her.

         She taught that I only invited Ino-kun and the others that's why she didn't cook much but when I told her that my other friends from different school are coming,she immediately bought many ingredients.

          Me and Natsu accompanied her earlier at the mall,we bought meat,chicken,fruits and wine of course.

          Every year we always bought wine for new year,and we drink this. Me and my family,ever since I was 10 years old.

          It's a family tradition from my father's side,every child on the family needs to learn how to drink wine or alcoholic drinks in the age of ten.

          I don't know why it's like that on my family but i like it,think of me as not a normal kid and I don't care. That's what I like and no one can stop me from drinking.

          But,yet of course I only drink wine that doesn't have a high alcohol percentage. I'm a good son and brother so I can't be addicted to alcohols and show it to Natsu.

          I need to be a role model for her,so she won't lose her way when she grows up,but back to us going on shopping.

          Me and Mom also bought some,I mean a lot of presents since the people that are coming to our house are a big number.

         And I don't think that all of us will be able to fit-in in our dining room,because of their number and how big they are even if they are only highschoolers.
          We also bought Asami-san's and Enri-kun's favourite ice cream, Ino-kun and Miyuu-kun's favorite spicy junk foods that was expensive but I used the extra money Enri-kun's mom gave me,so I didn't have a problem to buy that.

      Kiba-kun and Shion-kun's favorite banana milk and soda. I was shock to know their favorites when I ask them in the past because all of those were cheap except for Ino-kun and Miyuu-kun,but I don't care if it's expensive or not as long as I can afford it I'll buy it for them.

           So right now Mom is cooking some American dish that I don't know since she told me that we have enough Japanese food in the table. She wants to try some new dishes and experiment on my friends.

           If say that she will experiment on them,I mean they'll try it and if it's bad then sorry for them, they're the first one to eat it. Even my friends experience that near death situation when they first came here for a sleepover,my Mom cook something we don't know.

        She said it was a European dish that she saw on internet and she wanted to try to cook it.

        So, us, as the guest and host in her house we tried it when she finished cooking and we almost choked to death because of how salty it was.

         We kept on coughing for more than half an hour and tears were rolling down out cheeks as we kept on coughing.

          "Mom are you really sure you wanna cook foreign dishes for them?"I ask in hesitation,looking at her ingredients suspiciously.

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