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Ino's POV

After of what happened earlier at the tower,we headed straight at the closest restaurant near our hotel because Shoyo got hungry because of all the crying he did. His appetite didn't even dilate because of what happened,he just keep on eating everything he orders for himself.

He wasn't satisfied after eating too many dishes and he wanted bread from the bakeshop nearby afterwards,even though we stop him because he might get an upset stomach bug he just pleaded Asami. And all of us know that Asami is weak towards Shoyo and she'll give him whatever he wants.

And right now we're inside this bakeshop, Shoyo's looking for breads he wanted to eat and bring back to the hotel to eat later. His picking everything that look attractive and delish to him,even though he doesn't know if he will like the flavor of the bread or not.

Of course we'll just let him choose whatever he wants to eat,if he can't finish those then it's okay,well just give it to Sasaki-san and Kurusaki-san. It won't go to waste as you think,we don't throw away foods that we can't finish eating.

"Shoyo,did you choose enough bread that you like for tonight?"I ask,because if he isn't I have this bread that looks plain but I think it's nice. He looked at me with his cute face and sparkly eyes that look so troubled choosing from this too many kinds of bread.

"No,this is so hard. There are so many yummy breads and I can't choose because of it. All I want is to eat but why is it so hard."he whined as he looked more troubled because of his hard time on choosing the bread he wants to eat.

This is one of Shoyo's weakness,he's weak at things,food and people that looked cute to him,he always had a hard time on choosing between one another. No matter what it is, we'll always end up or stayed in a store for an hour or more.

"Help me choose, Miyuu-kun, Shion-kun don't just stand there and laugh at me."Shoyo's cute angry face was again showed when he was annoyed because of those two crackheads laughing at him when he's having a hard time choosing in what he would eat later for midnight snack.

"Excuse me sir,are you having trouble on choosing? If you don't mind let me help you."one of the shop clerk walk close to Shoyo and ask him,but our dear little Shoyo just stood there with a 'what is she saying' look or should I say a confused look.

His face turned sour when he didn't understand what the clerk was saying,Asami patted his head and told him that he doesn't need to worry about what the clerk said. Enri is the one who's doing the talking with the clerk to make everything easy for our Shoyo.

"She's asking you if your having a hard time choosing and if she can help you."Kiba explained to him which made him say 'Oh' without a sound and then nodded his head. He then told Enri that he needs the girls assistance and it's better if he speaks in English.

English is not a big deal for Shoyo anymore,we thought him that for the past months just for this day. Enri then did as what Shoyo told him, Enri talk to the clerk and tell her that Shoyo needs her assistance for choosing some bread that he likes to eat.

"Oh hello young man,follow me and I'll show you the best breads that we have here in our bakeshop." The clerk talk to Shoyo in English that's why Shoyo got excited and relieved that he's able to talk to someone new now and he won't be confused again anymore.

"Thank you,please show me the delicious treats you have here. And you really have a nice and amazing voice."Shoyo's excitement was shown when he talked to the clerk in a different language. It's his first time talking to someone new and with a different language to that.

"Then this way young man,and thank you for the compliment,no one ever told me that."the clerk said as she guided Shoyo to the stands of their best breads in here. Shoyo smiled at him and look at us,like he was asking for a permission if he can go,so Asami nodded and smiled at him.

Kunimi's POV

After of what happened between me and Oikawa-san,I didn't showed up at practice in the next day. So here I am now stuck in my own room waiting for Hinata's reply to my texts at him.

I'm just sitting here near the window of my own room and looking at the clear blue sky,where different kinds of bird fly there freely and at the clouds that keep moving forward. It been a day and a half since I texted Hinata and I still gotten any replies from him ever since yesterday afternoon.

U wish to be like them, to be free to be able to fly to France and be with Hinata and enjoy our Christmas vacation there together. But Mom didn't allow me to go anywhere I want because Grandma will be home for Christmas.

There's still eight days left before Christmas Eve and twelve more days for him to be back home,their flight was yesterday December 15 and he'll be home at 28. He will celebrate his new year here in Japan with his family,and maybe his friends and I would like to celebrate the new year with him too.

My phone vibrates and Hinata's name popped up on it,without hesitation I open the message he sent me and it was a photo of him standing with a peace sign and the Eiffel tower is his background,the other one was a photo of his lunch maybe and the last one was different kinds breads that was put in a big tray.


Are you enjoying France right now? Are you sure you can finish those?


Yeah,I can finish these all,and if I don't Sasaki-san and Kurusaki-san.


What time is it there? Is it lunch time or breakfast time? You really eat a lot for a small body like that.


It's lunch time and what do you mean by small body,I'm big enough to punch you right now-_-.

I can already imagine how he looks right now with the text he sent,I know that he's mad and pouting right now and it made me chuckle.


Okay,okay you ain't small now. You'll end up getting fat because of eating too much.


Gasp! Did you just say I'm fat? How dare you.

Did he really typed the 'gasp' expression? It's too cute,the way he acts is too cute right now and I might end up booking a ticket to France he don't stop being cute right now.


Byebye for now Kunimi-san,we need to go to the park now.


Can't you stay a little longer? We just talk after a day and a half of no connections with each other.


I really can't Kunimi-san,because Ino-kun gets angry if I keep looking on my phone while we're taking a ride because I might end up vomiting.


Oh is that so,then it's okay. Update me later. Bye Hinata take care there and enjoy.

Who the hell is Ino and why is he calling him informally,are they really that close to be called as 'kun'? I know that Hinata's with his new friends right now but I didn't thought that they're at the point we're they call each other with 'kun'.

"Akira get down here fast,Oikawa's outside asking for you!" Mom yelled and just by hearing Oikawa-san's name ruined my mood.

"I'm doing something Mom,please tell him to come back later!"I answered back at her,I have no intentions on talking with Captain for now.

"Akira he said he has something important to say to you!"Mom's voice grew louder as she's already getting annoyed by my behavior.

Great,now what is it that he wants to talk about me that he really went to my house like nothing happened.

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