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Hinata's POV

I got home at 1 am and thankfully Mom was awake so I didn't need to call her phone number to wake her up.

The travel was tiring but it felt nice seeing my team win against one of the strongest schools in Japan and to see them improved a lot.

"Shoyo why were you home this late?"Mom ask me when she gave me a cup of warm chocolate milk and cookies.

"Hmm,we celebrated at my teams place because they won against one of the strongest schools in Japan." I said as I showed off to her the pictures I took.

"That's great honey,too bad you quit because you got sick last time." Mom said to me while caressing my face.

Oops Mom doesn't know the real reason why I quited on volleyball,hehe sorry for lying Mom I swear, I won't lie next time.

" Yeah,but it's fine as long as Karasuno won." I said and then took a sip from my drink and took a bite from my cookie.

My mom just smiled and didn't answer,so I just keep on stuffing myself and cookies since I'm super duper hungry and I think I'll die if j don't eat.

Kunimi-kun bought me dinner earlier when we got off of the train,to be precise all of us are dinner together.

Oikawa-san and Japan's quarrels are non-stop but no one from us are surprised of this since we're used to it.

But the thing the I notice is the way Kunimi-kun and Oikawa-san avoid each other,and there is this uncomfortable aura between them.

My mom is about to go up to her room when she told me something that made me happy, like the happy word is not suitable for what I feel.

"After your done there,just put the dishes on the sink and I'll wash them tomorrow. Go up to your room and some package came from your brother." after hearing that,I got excited and forgot that my drink is still hot because I drink them without blowing it.

It cause me to burn my tongue which I just blew out some air,and look like a dog,arf arf. Thankfully I didn't broke the cup that I'm holding.

I'm already at my room,I'm done hanging my clothes and I've already wash my face and right now,I'm having an intense staring battle at the box that my brother sent to me.

I've been staring at the box for a good 17 minutes,and still haven't decided if I should open it or not.

Sometimes my brothers can't be trusted,they either send me clothes or scary things. And the thing inside this box is either of the two that I mentioned.

And now I've decided to open the box,how would I know what's inside this if I don't open it right? If it's clothes or some nice things then thank you brother but if it's not then,don't go home brother.

I untied the ribbon of the box and open it while my eyes are closed lightly. When I feel like I can look at it,I opened my eyes and my heart melt at what I saw.

It was a photo of my two brothers wearing their uniform and my father between them wearing his work suit. They were smiling widely and I can feel that they're happy.

I flipped the photo and saw a letter on it saying:

Hey Shoyo,I'm sorry we can't go home for Christmas and New year. We were dump with so many school works,you know how the school committee work's right? And dad also want to work hard to buy the things that you like,or buy you some gifts when we go home. Also tell Natsu that we're sorry,we really missed you guys. I hope we can see each other soon. I also miss mom,and dad misses mom too.

Look at the box I bought some coats for you and Natsu since it's cold season,and I also got one for Mom of course. They're just cheap so don't expect anything from it,if it destroyed easily just ask me I'll buy you another one. Cause the price is 500 yen for 3 coats. ,ahahaha. but yeah just tell me if you want another one.


Hello my little boy,this is dad. I miss you guys so much,especially your Mom. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to go home and spent the Christmas there with you guys. But I promise I'll be home as soon as I finish my works here. I love you guys. Maybe your other older brothers didn't tell you but we got in the Dean's list as the most trouble makers😂. But yeah jokes aside honey,your brother got into the Dean's list.

love: Dad❣️

I laugh at my second brother's messages and Dad's,I'm proud of them since they're happy and they got into the Dean's list. I'm so ga for the both of them, I knew from the start that they can do it.

I look at the box like what my second brother said and I saw a really coat for me,mom and Natsu.

When are you guys gonna go home I miss the three of you.

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