Chapter 6

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We walked for a long time until we finally arrived at Gaspar's castle, the place where he died.

First of all we went to his room, but we found nothing. Then, it occurred to me to call my mother to help us,
it occurred to me to call my mother to help us, while Anna was looking in the bathroom. My mother told me this:

"Betty! Are you all right? Did something happen to you?"she said worriedly.
"I'm fine, Mom, I'm fine. One question, do you know where Gaspar's necklace might be? "
"No, I don't. Why do you want to know, daughter?" she asked.
"Because Lorry asked us for it so that nothing bad would happen. "
"I understand. If you need anything else, let me know and I'll help you, "Melody said.
"Thank you. "
"You're welcome. "

While I was talking to my mother Anna found the necklace and put it in her pocket without telling me anything.

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