Chapter 36

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August 1st...
Tifanny's birthday. He always celebrated at his house and invited the whole school. Last year, some classmates drank too much and ended up in jail with the police. I was offered a drink by one of them, but luckily I was able to say no to him. I hope this year will be different.

Besides the party, we had a very important Language exam. With the terrible problem with my family I had not had time to study and little by little my head was hurting from the stress. I took a Paracetamol and left for class. We separated the tables and soon my favorite teacher, Fenny, came in. She gave us an hour to complete the text. I don't know what happened to me, but by the time I had time to put my name, all the students were finishing it and handing it in. So, I had to fill it in randomly and I didn't get a very good grade. I failed the exam and tears ran down my face. Later, one person gave me a hug, Mark. Yes, that guy I liked.

"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly.
"Yes, thank you very much Mark."
"You're welcome. "And he kissed me on the cheek.
I couldn't hold it any longer, I took his head very carefully with my hands and kissed him. We spent a long time savoring our lips. It was a kiss with a lot of passion and joy. I couldn't believe how much he meant to me. Every time he caressed me my heart was beating faster.

"Betty, I'm so glad we finally got to this point. I can't tell you how happy I am about all this. "
"I'm very excited too," I said, smiling.
"Well, let's go to Tifanny's birthday."Mark said to me.

At the party...
-Welcome to the party! We'll have a great time at the pool.... Come this way," said the birthday girl.

Before getting in the water I went to the bathroom. There were a lot of people waiting and then I was told to go upstairs. I opened the door to the bathroom and suddenly... I heard a loud noise and I went towards the sound. It was my parents! They were tied up in a chair....

What were they doing there, who locked them in and why?

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