Chapter 26

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After dinner, Lar woke up and I was at her side.

"Lar, how are you feeling? "I asked worriedly.
"Actually, I'm a little dizzy. If you could bring me a glass of water? "he asked me.
"Yes, whatever you need. "
"Thank you Betty. "He thanked me.
"You're welcome."

I brought him water and we played hide and seek. It was my turn to stay and I started counting: one, two, three, four... until I reached thirty. I went to the forest and saw Anna the first one.
"Anna! "I shouted.
"You got me, very good. "
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. "She thanked me

At that moment, Fenny shouted that we had to go to sleep. Anna and I met Mark and went into our tent. There was Lar asleep, "How cute he is when he sleeps," I thought to myself.

"Lar is asleep, but shall we talk or play a game. "said Mark.
"Okay. How about a game of truth or dare? "I suggested.
"Betty, truth or dare?" Anna asked me.
"Do you like someone here?"
"Yes," I nodded.
And Mark blushed.
"It's my turn. Anna truth or dare? "said Mark
"Truth. "She answered.
"What's going on with you and Lar? Are you and Lar engaged?"
"Yes, we're together. "Anna answered honestly.
I got a little sad.
"Mark, truth or dare?"
"Challenge. "he answered.
"I dare you to give Betty a kiss," said Anna mischievously.
"No," we both said at the same time.
"A dare is a dare. "
"Okay, that's fine. "said Mark.

We all took a peck and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be the best day, we were going canoeing!

How embarrassed I was to kiss him. I'm still a little confused...

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