Power Mad - FINAL PART

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Third POV

-Back at home-

Vicky tapped the remote again to change the channel. This time however, the screen remained black. "What the heck is wrong with this thing!?!" She yelled frustrated, shaking the remote and smacking it down on the armrest of the chair.

-Meanwhile inside the TV-

Cosmo and Wanda stood beside on another in their mouse form. "I'm all out of ideas!" Cosmo said in a panick.
Wanda taking out her little notpad again. "Well, easy come easy go..." She sighed somewhat disappoined.

"No wonder nothing's working, all the pluggs came out." The fairies hear Vicky say on the other side of the screen. "OH NO!" The fairies yelled mortified.

-Back with Vicky-

The redheaded teen kneeled beside the TV. Fastly pligging everything back in again. She took out the remote and turned out the TV.

The power turned on again for a few seconds, but then everything turned back off again.

Wanda, still in her mouse form, sat inside the dark TV screen. "Oh no, the power is out! Timmy! (Y/N)!!" She yelled out concerned. But upon looking around, she noticed that Cosmo was nowhere to be found. "Cosmo?" She questioned, but there was no reply.

She poofed here self back to Timmy's bedroom, where she was met with an unusual sight. Cosmo, who was still in his mouseform, was running on a treadmel. A big piece of steak was hanging in front of it.

The treadmel was connected to a generator that provided power to keep the TV and gameconsole going.

"I had another idea!" Cosmo said, trying to keep is breathing under control.

"This was a magnificent day for Cosmo!" Wanda said amazed, skribbeling in down on her notpad before putting it away. "Way to keep the power going, sweetie!" She said supporting her husband.
"Good thing I'm more hungry then tired." He said, his eyes fixated on the juicy steak up front.

-Back inside the game-

Your POV

We had reached the end of 'The Classroom of Doom' level.

Chester and A.J. we up ahead, running towards the 'Final Level' portal. Just before they could enter, Timmy stopped them by blocking their way. "Guys, we really need to stop playing!"

"Why?" Chester asked confused. Timmy looking at me in the back for an excuses. I shrudded my shoulders. "I, uumm, have to use the bathroom?" Timmy said, although it sounded like he wasn't too sure himself.

"No you don't. You just went at 6:13." A.J. stated. I mentally facepalmed myself. Who keeps track of someones bathroom routine?
"Yeah, besides we only got-"

"ONE MORE LEVEL LEFT!!!!" Chester and A.J. shouted full excitement, running past Timmy through the portal. Timmy and I quickly entering the final level too.

Once the senery had set, we noticed we were...

"Our living room?" I questioned outloud. Timmy beside me sighed in relief, "Pff, we're finally out of the game..."

"How anti-climactic." A.J. commented while looking around. Chester agreeing, "Yeah, what a gip!"

I sighed. As I was about to run my finger through my hair in relief I realized I couldn't. Darn it!

"Uh Timmy, my helmet is still on. Which means-" I began, only for Timmy to finish my sentence. "We're still in the game!!!"

Suddenly the atmosphear turned a dark red. The ground beneath our feet began to crack open until a huge hole was left. Flames bursting out of it. But that wasn't the only thing... We were all perelized by the sight.

The Fairly Odd Parents ~ Timmy Turners sister (Reader insert)  - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now