Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary - PART 2

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|Third POV|

It was later that day. The Turner kids were upstairs in Timmy's room.

The brunet boy pacing back and forth in thought while the sister sat in his bean bag. Occasionally glancing up to her brother from her phone.

"Something's fishy..." Timmy said, finally speaking up. His finger tapping his chin in thought.

"Trout? Catfish? Sea monkey?" Cosmo asked, every time turning into the animals he mensioned before turning back to normal.

"How can that Remy kid be better than me at..." Timmy began.

"Everything?" Wanda and (Y/N) said in unison, completed his sentence for him.

"Yeah, and he's everywhere!" Timmy agreed.

"I got a better question and you're not gonna like it. Why was he giving me that weird look earlier at the arcade. Instead of being a know-it-all like he was to you, he was actually 'nice' to me. What's up with that?"

"I don't know. But it made me sick to my stomach." Timmy said, wrapping his arms over his lower stomach.

Wanda thought for a moment before an idea popped up in her mind. "I know one special place you two can go where he can never ever be!" She waves her wand, a Crimson Chin comic book floating in front of Timmy.

-Inside the comic book-

Timmy had now changed into Cleft, the Boy Chin Wonder, wearing his usual superhero outift. The sidekick overlooking the city from a high building roof.

Beside him stood (Y/N), known as Chin Girl. She too wearing her superhero suite in the signature colours of the Crismon Chin. Deep red, black and a little yellow.

Both wearing masks to hide their secret identities.

"Ah, just what I needed. Some good old-fashioned superhero bashing-evil action!" Cleft said, he and Chin girl jumping across the pages of the comic book.

They found the Crimson Chin in a battle with the Golden Gut, cornered at the edge of a large building.

The Crimson Chin is hit and falls fastly towards the concret street below.

"Come on Cleft!" Chin Girl said fastly, flying fastly towards the superhero. She grabbed hold of one of his hands. Using all her strenght to pull him up.
But the buff man is so heavy she can't carry him. Only slowing down his fall.

Cleft (Timmy) is quick to come to help her. "Activate utility cleft!". He swings down to Crimson Chin, reaching out for his other hand. "Don't worry, CC, We'll...

"I'll save you!" Another voice said, grabbing his hand instead of Timmy.

The force with which he is swung away, Chin Girl lets go of his hand.

The Crimson Chin and the blond-haired Cleft landing safely on a nearby building.

"Way to go, Cleft, Rich Boy Chin Wonder!" The superhero praises, thanking his savior.

Timmy's grabble hook slips from the edge of the roof, leaving him to fall towards the ground. Chin Girl, quick to react, flies down and catches him just in the nick of time. The rope falling down beside them.

Chin Girl quickly stepping out of the way to dodge the hook at the end. Cleft not that lucky. The metal hook hitting him straight on the head.

"That does it! I wish we were back at home!" Cleft (Timmy) shouts out. Wanda ans Cosmo eyeing him worried.

The next thing they know, they are back. This time in (Y/N)'s bedroom.

|Your POV|

"Ugh, that Remy kid has to ruin everything!" Timmy groaned in irritation.

"Well, you're gonna meet a lot of people in life who irritate you or push you buttons. Believe me." I assured him.

"Geez, thanks." Timmy said with sarcasm.

"You didn't let me finish. The most important thing is to not let them get to you. You will always have those who'll stand up for you and stay by you're side no matter what. Those are the ones you should build on."

I could see Timmy was concidering my words. The doorbell suddenly rang downstairs.

"(Y/N), honey, it's for you!" Mom called out a little bit after.

"Coming!" I shouted, confusion on my face. I wasn't expecting anyone?

The door was left open a jar, I pulled it fully open to see a mailman standing there a giant box behind him. "Package for (Y/N) Turner." He said, holding out a clipboard and pen for me to sign the paper.

I took the clipboard from him, reading over the information. "But I didn't order anything. Do you know what it is?" I asked him.
"Nope." The postman said bored.
"From who it is?" I questioned, signing and handing him back the clipboard.
"Not a clue, lady. Have a nice day." He said, taking back his clipboard and left.

"You too." I said, before focusing on the big box on our front lawn. Heck, that thing was bigger then me!

Unbeknown to me, Timmy had followed me down to see what it was. My brother now standing beside me outside. Cosmo and Wanda disguised as two cats.

"What is it?" Timmy asked me.

"No idea. And the mailman said they don't even know who send it." I said, walking around it once. "Uh guys, a little help please?"

Wanda turned into a crowbar. I pulled as hard as I could. Satisfied as I heard the nails keeping the box together loosen.

The box fell apart.

My jaw dropped. Inside was giant, and I mean GIANT bouquet of red roses. Along with a heart shaped box of chocolates, and medium sized present wrapped in gold-coloured paper and a big red bow. A small card attached to it on a string.

I pulled the card off, opening it:

Dear (Y/N),

These beautiful presents are for you.
Although it compairs nothing to your beauty.

I made a dinner reservation at the Chez Fancy at 9 o'clock tonight.

Hope to see you there,

Your secret admirer.

"What does it say?" Timmy asked curious.

I raised my brow in confusion. "It says that these gifts are for me and that I have a dinner reservation at the Chez Fancy at 9 PM."
I handed them the card so they could see it for themselves.

"Isn't Chez Fancy that fancy restaurant for rich snobs?" Timmy asked, looking up to me, to which I nodded.

"Does it have a name on it?" Wanda asked, she and Cosmo now in their normal form.

"No. It doesn't say who it's from... It could be from Chip, but wouldn't he put down his own name or even his nickname?" I said.

"I don't know. So what are you gonna do, (Y/N)?" Wanda asked.

"The only thing I really can do. Go and see who it is for myself." I said, walking inside our home and up to my room.

"By yourself?!" Timmy shouted in shock.

"Well, what else am I suppose to do?!" I questioned.

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