5. Choice

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There's no way of telling how much time has passed. You sat there for what felt like ages. You didn't mind it though; it was the same back in Hydra. You spent days and days in your cell. Even training was done in a cold, dark room. You were always very excited when you got a mission. This means you get to head out, even if it was only for a short period of time and someone's life ends because of it.

You heard shuffling of feet and saw the whole group walking towards you. You stared at them menacingly.

"You've got 2 choices, either you join us, or you go straight to jail."  Tony set the terms straight.

Join them? Your mind turned blank. You couldn't function. This has never happened before; you were always able to think on your feet and figure out different scenario options.

"Chop chop. Hurry up and decide. We haven't got all day here." Tony clapped his hand urging you to make your decision quickly. You've got a few seconds to think. Are they trying to trick you, or are they for real?

"Nothing? Alright. I guess to the authorities then."

"No wait! I'll- I'll join." You figured that you get more chances trying to sneak out with them.

"Great! You-" Before Tony got to finish his sentence, the alarm rang. "Nat you stay here." He continued while everyone started to turn around and leave the room.

"What?" Nat dropped her arms to her side. Soon it was only you and Nat left in the room. "I can't believe this is happening." She looked back at you. She may be a spy once but she's not that good at hiding her emotions. She was staring daggers at you. With a click of a button, she lets you out the cell which you walked out of happily while dusting your arm off.

"So... What are we going to do now?"

"I'm going to work and you're not going to bother me." Nat spoke as she walked to the office.

"Are you always working? When I was interning you were always working too, or were you just spying on me?" You put your hand behind your back as you walked with her to the office.

"I haven't even started, and you are already bothering me." She stood in place and looked at you.

After a few minutes with Nat clicking away at her laptop, you started to get bored. You got up from your seat and Nat asked immediately. "Where are you going?"

"To get water." You looked innocently at her. But who were you kidding, obviously you were not going to just fetch water? You snapped your fingers, leaving an illusion behind near the water dispenser, and walked away.

You positioned yourself behind Nat and saw the drama happened right in front of your eyes. Nat noticed that you have been gone for a long time and went to look for you. She searched around the kitchen, but you were nowhere to be seen. You heard your name being shouted from the hallway and you chuckled silently.

You creeped behind her silently and screamed at her back. "Ah!"

She immediately tried to tackle you, but you managed to dodge it. She chased you throughout the compound trying to make you pay for what you did.

"What's going on here? I thought you were supposed to look after her." Tony and the rest came back from their mission to see Nat chasing you.

"She was annoying me."

"I had nothing to do. I was bored." You were really bored. This was the first time in years since you laughed so hard. You couldn't even keep your face straight when you were talking to Tony.

"Enough kid, have your dinner and go to your room."

"Room? I don't have a room."

"Just pick one from the top floor."

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