29. Dozing off

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You were always getting distracted, either by your phone or by something random. You just didn't want to get started. You drifted away with your thoughts each time you put your head back to study. You daydream at every opportunity you get, and you sit there for a few hours.

Your head was resting your fist when Nat came in to tell you the movie night was starting. Tony already had everything set up and was waiting for you to get settled. The team has chosen to watch Rogue Trader. You grabbed a bag of sweets from the pile of snacks and sat at the free spot next to Nat.
(I just needed a finance show, never watched it.)

You passed the sweet to Nat. "Can you help me open this?"

She opened the bag of sweets and passed them back to you.

The movie started and you realise it was about someone in the bank conducting fraudulent activities, making fictitious trading records and ends up making the whole bank bankrupt. You were tired from all the studying, and they had to choose something about finance. What kind do these people like anyways? Tony is the smart one and Steve is from the past, but didn't the others have a say in this? Can't they pick something more interesting?

To keep yourself from falling asleep in the middle of the movie, you kept eating the packet of sweets in front of you. Hoping that the sugar rush would keep you awake. It did help but it didn't last that long until you had nothing left.

Without the extra boost of energy, you soon found yourself bobbing your head left, right, back and front. You didn't fully go to sleep but you know you were on the verge of it. You could feel your brain beating with each breath you took. You stayed in those positions for a few minutes until your neck started to hurt and you tried to concentrate back on the movie.
(At least, that's how I felt it.)

Nat sitting next to you could see that you were not paying attention to the movie at all and were struggling to stay awake.

"Hey, you can put your head on my shoulder if you want." Nat whispered to you, not letting the others know.

You looked at her for a few seconds deciding, but at the same time you could feel your brain pounding at you to go to sleep so you took up her offer. After giving in to your body's demand, you slept the whole way through the remainder of the movie.

"That wasn't too bad." Tony commented on the movie as soon as it was finished. Nat threw a pillow at him asking him to keep quiet as you were still sleeping. Everyone evacuated from the room leaving you and Nat alone. Nat did think of bringing you up to bed but she didn't want to accidentally hurt your shoulder, so she just sat there not wanting to wake you up.

You slept until it was morning and you saw there was light coming through the window. At first you paid no attention to it since it was just a normal morning to you until you saw the furniture setting. It was different from your room. You sat upright.

"You're awake." You turned to look at Nat scrolling through her phone.

"Sorry. You could have just left me here alone."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to risk you falling off the couch and hurting your shoulder even more." Nat stood up and massaged her shoulder and neck. You felt bad for her having to suffer throughout the night in the uncomfortable position.

"Sorry." You said again before Nat stepped out of the common area.

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