8. School

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Over the next few days, you were not focusing while training with Nat. She managed to land more punches than usual. You were getting punched left, right and centre. You dropped to the floor and put your arm on your eyes.

"You're not focusing these few days." Nat said while packing her stuff.

"I'm not in the mood." You said sheepishly.

"You're never in the mood for anything."

You laid there until the next person came in.

"What are you doing here?" You recognised this person's voice. You got up from the floor and faced the person.

"I am wasting my time here." You smiled softly to Wanda as you exited the room.

"Why don't you stay? Steve can't be my partner today." Wanda played with her fingers as she asked you.

"If you want a live punching bag, sure." You put back your stuff and joined Wanda.

Wanda brought you back to life. You wanted to make sure you didn't fail here as well. You were focusing, you were trying your best and giving your all. You felt satisfied once you were done training with Wanda. It's been a while since you sweated so much and had a good work out.

"So, are you feeling better?" Wanda said while warming down.

"What do you mean?" You on the other hand, couldn't care about warming down and was preparing to leave.

"Nat told me to check on you." You relaxed your face muscles.

"What...? Did she ask you to punch me more because she thinks I didn't get hit enough?" You didn't give her a chance to reply and walked out.


The next morning, you heard someone calling your name, so you sat up.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Nat came into your room to wake you up.

"I told you I'm not used to the bed." Your eyes were still half-closed.

"Anyways, you need to get up. I'm sending you to school." Nat picked some clothes and threw it at your face. The dreaded day has come, there is no avoiding this now... She was sending you straight to school. It's not like you could sneak away.

You got into her car, and she was driving at a crazy speed.

"Can you not drive so fast?" You can start to feel yourself getting a bit queasy. The speedometer dipped down a bit, but you didn't feel any better. The instant Nat arrived at your school, you opened the door and threw up.

You wiped your mouth and stared at her. "You better not drive so fast next time or I am going to throw up in your car." You took your bag and slammed the car door.

You sling your bag on one side of your shoulder and waited for your homeroom teacher to pick you up and bring you to your class.

"Y/N is going to join us from today onwards." The teacher took a glance around. "You can take the free seat next to Peter over there." She pointed to a guy with his head hiding behind a pile of books.

"Thank you, Ms Jordan." You slumped in your seat, only taking a quick look at Peter who was seated next to you. You lay your books and pens on the table. Class has started but you were doodling on your book, twirling your pen in your hands not paying attention.

"You're supposed to be paying attention in class Y/N." Peter whispered to you.

"I'm not bothering anyone so mind your own business."

"Peter, Y/N keep quiet. Would you like to answer this question?" Ms Jordan pointed to the board. You were not listening to her, so the question looked foreign to you and you don't know how to approach it. Peter, on the other hand, gave the answer quickly and succinctly.

"The next time this happens again, both of you are heading to detention."

The next class was Physical Education which you were excited for, better the rigid textbook and board style. You joined the boys to play basketball and got along with them quickly. They were amazed by your skill as you racked the most points for them, leaving the opponent in the dust.

"She thinks she can come in here and bag all the guys in one day?" One of the girls commented.

"The guys in our class prefer athletic women I guess." Her friend responded. The girls were having a break from their tennis session.

School ended and you saw Nat's car as soon as you walked out. Everyone was looking at her car. You rolled your eyes. Why does she have to garner so much attention? Nobody needs to know you get sent and picked up from school. You cursed internally and walked away.

Nat saw you walking away from your school and started her engine, matching your pace. You stopped in your tracks as she sounded the honk next to you. You sighed.

You entered the car grudgingly and said. "Do you have to wait so close to the school and let everyone know that someone is here to pick me up?"

"I have to make sure you don't run away." Nat started to drive back to the compound.

"If I really wanted to run away, I would have done it during school and not waited until you're here to catch me." 

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