34. Empire State Building

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Tony got to the Empire State Building the fastest, considering he could fly and our feet could only take us that quickly.

As soon as you got to the bottom of the building you could see a huge army of robots defending the place.

"Well, we sure hit bullseye." Tony stated the fact we could all see.

While gazing up at the building to plan your next course of action, you could see Strucker walking out a balcony. Everyone rushed to attack him but the robots flew up to defend him.

You focused on the group troops since some of them flew up, leaving a weaker force on ground. You pushed your way through and managed to slip in the building, making your way up to him.

"Since when did you decide to use machines?" You pointed your gun towards him as he stepped back in.

"You see... I got sick and tired of people like you running away. These robots, they don't betray, they follow every order I input..."


You turned around to see Nat fired the shots from her gun.

"You should have just shot him. We still have to deal with the robots."

Did Nat just shoot Stucker? You thought the Avengers try not to kill as much as possible... You went to his body to check for a pulse. There was, but a weak one. You guessed Nat shot his non-vital parts. You left him alone to join the rest who managed to get in the building.

Everyone gathered at the atrium of the building where a bright machine was operating.

"So this is it huh?" Wanda managed to slip through the barricade of robots.

"We just need to know how to stop it." Steve said

"Any idea Tony?" Tony unfortunately was still stuck outside attracting the attention from the robots.

"I would, if I could get in." Tony said as he was still blasting robots everywhere.

"We have to figure this one out without him." You mentioned as you started to look around for a power source to shut it down. There were wires everywhere and no clue as to which one to follow. This is further hindered by numerous robots running in and diverting your attention.

Everyone was trying to find the correct wire but each time they sever the connection, nothing changed.

"I think I got it!" Wanda shouted and everyone turned their attention to the glowing machine. Flicker, flicker, flicker, stop.

"I guess we did it?" You released your breath that you didn't know you were holding.

"I would love to celebrate but you guys should get out of there." Tony talked through the comms.

Just as you were wondering what he was talking about, a loud crash came through and cracks were spreading across the building. The robots that were flying were dropping like nobody's business. The only thing stopping them were buildings that were about to get destroyed.

Everyone made their way out the atrium and headed towards the exit. Tony was trying to help by pushing away the debris and rubbles that could possibly block the exit. The moment you stepped out, it was as if it was another city, a city that has been through war, totally different from what you saw just a few minutes ago. 

"Come on, let's go. SHIELD will do the clean-up." Tony walked towards the quinjet that remained where it was.

You didn't hear what Tony said and walked in another direction, away from the group.

"Where is she going?" Steve nudged Nat and looked at your direction.

"I have a feeling where. Why don't you guys head back first." 

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