15. Adjusting to school

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You only just fell asleep when you get woken up by the annoying beeping sound of your alarm. You stretched over to turn it off lazily. You chose this stupid sound because you hated it, but you know it makes you wake up to turn it off.

You changed into a fresh set of clothes and headed down to wait for Nat.

"Breakfast?" Steve was in the kitchen making a sandwich.

"No. I don't eat breakfast. I am going to wait for Nat outside." You declined his offer and walked away. You have nothing against him or his breakfast. It's just that you rather sleep in instead of wasting your time eating.

Nat was taking longer than she normally would. She should have been here 5 minutes ago. You finally saw her car driving past the corner.

"Why are you late?" You said as you got into her car.

"You were tossing in bed, I couldn't sleep. The walls are not that thick, you know."

"Oh... Wait. You're in the next room?" The sudden realisation hits you like a truck. How many people have heard you vent your anger towards the wall? Thank goodness she was not in her room when you did it.

She nodded as she faced the road.

"Please don't create trouble this time." You could see her pleading as we pulled up to the school.

You sighed. "Trust me, I don't want to. I'll tell you about it next time." You got out of the car and slinged your bag on your shoulder.


"Looks like the crazy girl is back." Liz turned to you as soon as you stepped into the classroom.

"How would it feel people called you that?" Peter tried to stand up for you.

"Stop it Peter, before people start calling you names too." You tried not to bring Peter into this debacle.

"The last time I checked, you were suspended too." You made your way to your table.

"I appealed." She smirked at you. You should have known; this sly girl would have wiggled her way out of this, and the school would have accepted it.

You rolled your eyes as you sat down.

"Here, Ned, MJ and I wrote some notes for you for the past week. Catch up soon, yeah." Peter passed you a notebook. You flipped through and saw all the different handwriting in it.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." You smiled at him softly.

The class started and you were able to somewhat keep up. You understood most of it. It could be due to the newly found memories you had when you were studying in school previously. Still, from time to time, you drifted off with your thoughts. How were your friends doing when you suddenly disappeared? Your family probably didn't care about you since they kicked you out of their house.

It was recess time, and you were having lunch with Peter, Ned and MJ.

"What were you doing the past week?" Ned asked after finishing his food.

"Uh... Nothing. Just staying in my room. Doing nothing." You can't possibly tell them you went to fight against Hydra and got your memories back.

"You didn't study? You are lacking behind, loser. " MJ was still looking at her book as she spoke.

"Nope." Popping the 'p'. You could care less about studying the past week, your mind shut down, blanking out the whole day, like a zombie.

"Just don't forget about the mid semester test in 2 months." She said all of a sudden.

"What?" Spitting out your water.

"Almost half the semester is gone." Ned pointed out something you totally glossed over.

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