24. Average

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A couple of weeks passed, and it was the day you're going to get back your test results. School started with History, English, Science, Geography and Math in that order. Class after class, you got back your results and you getting lower and lower.

"It's alright, you still have one last chance at the end of the semester." Peter tried to cheer you up.

You didn't pass a single subject. Not a single one.

"Looks like someone hit rock bottom huh?" Liz decided to play with you.

"If you know what I am capable of you better shut your mouth before I send your head flying to the wall." You stood up and stared at her, not mentally thinking straight. If she spoke, you might have really done it.

The bell let her off, she grabbed her bag and took off immediately.

"You really put her into place huh." Peter stood up and packed his bag as well.

You didn't quite hear what Peter said, all you knew was by this point she already knows. The teacher must have informed her. There was no way they weren't going to tell her of your bad results.

"Hey." Peter shook you back to reality. "You alright? You were staring into space."

"Yeah, I'm fine." You glanced around and saw that everyone had left already.


"Why were you so late?" Nat asked as you got into the car.

"I was talking to Peter." You tried not bringing up your test.

"So... the teacher told me about your results."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"That you're failing."

"Failing? Failing?" You chuckled. "I am not failing, I FAILED! I CROSSED THE LINE ALREADY. PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN!" You let your anger out.

"Y/N, you can try again."

"No! It's either you are very bad and suddenly become very good or you're very good all the way. There's no point being average or failing." You felt this was how the education system works. They only want and appreciate those who could propel their school forward, not drag them down.

"Y/N, there's still room for improvement."

"Enough! I don't want to talk about this." You decided to end this conversation. You were not having it.

You walked back to the compound ignoring everyone.

"What's going on with her?" Tony asked as he pointed to your room.

"She failed her test."

"So?" Tony not understanding your actions.

"So she's not happy about it." Wanda can't believe what Tony said.

You punched and shouted into the pillow. You couldn't go punching the wall because everyone was in the compound, and you didn't want them to hear it.

Eventually, you laid in bed and cried into the pillow.

Nat was standing outside and could hear your muffled crying. "Y/N?"

"Just leave me alone!"

Nat ignored you and opened the door.

"What do you want?" You lift the blanket over your head, covering your entire body.

Nat pulled the cover away and you grabbed the pillow to cover your face.

"You're going to have to come out." Nat stood by your bedside.

"Just give me one day. ONE day, is it too much to ask for?" You slammed your bed and shouted at her hysterically.

Nat sighed and left your room.

After she left, you took a long shower and stayed in the bath reflecting.

You felt you were probably too harsh on Nat. Aside from your friends, these people were the ones treating you like a normal person when your parents won't. They treated you kindly, gave you chances. Isn't it what home is supposed to be?

You stood in front of the mirror and hyped yourself up to face them again. You stepped out of your room and saw them seated in the common area talking.

Wanda was the first one to notice you. "You're out! You want to join us? We were just talking about what to eat for dinner."

"What about Spaghetti and Meatballs?"

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