28. Lazy day

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You woke up with your whole-body aching. You don't remember going to bed in such pain yesterday. You still felt like sleeping but with the pain you're not going to get any. Grudgingly, you swung your leg to the side of the bed and went to grab the Tylenol which was left on the table from yesterday.

Sleeping with a sling on your arm is not easy, but within minutes you were knocked out. Nat came to check on you since it was already noon and you had not once stepped out of your room. She saw you still sleeping in bed when the sun was already sky high which is unusual. You normally wake pretty early and would be sitting in the common area. She glanced over to the table and saw the strip of Tylenol and instantly noticed that there were lesser pills remaining. She figured out that you must have woken up and fell back to sleep again after taking the pill.

She closed the door silently behind her letting you sleep peacefully. Soon, you woke up feeling slightly better. At least without the pounding headache.

You took almost half an hour changing your clothes because of your sling. It was hard to wear any clothes without buttons and it was equally hard to button up your clothes.

You went to the common area and sat at the sofa tilting your head back with your eyes closed. You thought about that huge guy with the metal armour who threw you out the window. Where did he come from? Hydra's new creation? Is he a human?

"You're up already?" You immediately shot up and placed your hand on your thigh where your gun normally was.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Wanda just finished shopping for tonight's movie.

"No... I just.. I was just thinking of something." You relaxed your hand.

"You hungry? You haven't eaten since yesterday."

Now that Wanda mentioned it, you felt your stomach grumble, asking for food as if replying to her question.

"If you don't mind." You replied shyly.

Wanda went to place the things she bought in their respective places before preparing your food. She didn't tell you what she was going to make so you figured you'd just sit at the counter and wait.

When she finally finished and turned around you saw a plate of Spaghetti Bolognese.

"Well, I figured every time we asked you what you'd like to eat you said Spaghetti, so I made you this." She sets the plate in front of you with the cutlery.

"That's because it's the only thing I know how to make without looking at a recipe." You smiled softly as you picked up the fork and started eating.

"Hmmm. It's good." You nodded your head to Wanda who seemed to be waiting for a response. Soon, you were done eating and you went back to your room. You had your books laid you in front of you but you have not touched it yet. You refused to accept its existence. You paced around your room and did all sorts of things before sitting in front of your desk again.

You figured you'd just flip the page and roughly read through the text. As much as you hate studying, you really wanted to beat Liz's ass in the next and final test which was not going to be an easy task. You twirl your pen in your free hand and read through the notes, not knowing if anything was retained in your head. 

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