10. Principal's office

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Over the next week, you were having a hard time adjusting to school. Your classmates, you can say, weren't that kind to you, especially the girls. You can't help but think it's because they are jealous.

It was time for your Mathematic class, the subject you are most dreaded for. You didn't have a good foundation so you could never understand how the mathematical function works.

"Y/N, answer this question." Your Math teacher looked at you. You stood up with your textbook trying to find the answer or formula.

"She doesn't know. All she knows is how to get the attention of the boys." Liz said loudly.

"What did you say? I dare you say that again!" You dropped the textbook and pointed at her.

"Isn't it true? It's already been a few weeks and you can't even answer this question. All you think of is how to attract the attention of the boys." She stood up and argued with you.

"Maybe it's because-" Peter tried to make you sit down and keep you quiet. "Fuck off Peter."

"Enough! The both of you! To the principal's office now."

Teacher brought the two of you to the principal and explained to him the situation. You rolled your eyes having to be in the same room as her. You knew she was going to get favouritism because she has been here longer, and she was quite popular among the teachers, having good grades. Grades are everything here.

"This kind of behaviour is not acceptable here. I am going to have to call your parents or guardian to pick you up." The principal decided on his punishment.

"She started it, what has that got to do with me?" You tried to defend yourself.

"I am letting you off with a warning here. Anymore and you'll be suspended for a week. You got it?" He stood firmly on his decision.

You know you're in deeper trouble here. Nat was going to pick you up and she's not going to be happy.

Soon, you saw Nat walk into the principal's office.

"Wait in the car." She was going to have a word with the principal.

You walked over to her car but realised that you can't get in because she has locked the door.

"Wait in the car. Very funny indeed." You sit on the car's bonnet waiting for her. You saw the headlight flicker and you knew she's back.

"Before you say anything, she started it." You opened the car's door.

"It doesn't matter who started it, you should have remained calm." Nat got to her side of the car.

You remained silent throughout the journey back.


"You're back so early today?" Wanda saw you strolling in with a long face. "It's just turned afternoon."

You almost opened your mouth to reply to her, but you decided Nat would just tell her anyway. There's no need to hear from your mouth, it was not like she was going to change the perspective of you.

You got into your room and punched the dent spot again. This has become your place to release your anger. You were not going to bother with this week's homework. The teachers were already eyeing you for your bad conduct, you're just giving them more reasons to kick you out of school, so you don't have to attend.

You walked out the room as if you had no soul. Remain calm and don't do anything they said, easier said than done. They had no idea how much you felt like destroying stuff, you were shaking from all the anger, the wrongfulness.

"Where are you going now?" Nat looked up from her work. You gave her a mischievous smile and darted for the door. You ran at full speed all the way out and snapped your finger, not allowing her to know which one is the real you.

"Wanda! Help me get her back." Nat got up from her seat quickly and ran for the door. She splits up with Wanda to find you.

You sprinted all around New York and ended up at some random place. Panting from the run, you gave your one last scream. You definitely felt better, maybe because you no longer have the energy for anything else. Running was your strongest suit, running away from situations, responsibilities and problems.

You have no idea where you were, so you texted Nat your location and waited for her to come and fetch you.

Soon, you saw Nat walking over to you. You didn't understand why she didn't take the car. You didn't know where you were, but you ran quite a distance and were not prepared to walk back.

"You didn't drive?"

"I was nearer, I asked Wanda to get the car." She came closer and sat next to you. "Since there's still some time before Wanda comes, why did you run out?"

"... I felt that, if I didn't run and deplete my energy, I may end up doing something I regret." You played with your hands as you answered her.

She held your hands and you backed off, looking at her. She has a shocked expression on her face but Wanda sounded the honk, breaking the tension. You immediately straightened yourself and headed inside the car first.

"Had a good run?" Wanda looked at you through the rear mirror.

"H-huh yeah..." You nodded your head.

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